Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Jack and the Pea Stalk?

My pea seedlings have taken on a life of their own. I planted these a week ago and they are already several inches tall! At the rate they are going they will be bounding up through our basement ceiling and reaching for the roofline! They remind of how I tend to go a bit over board with whatever I happened to be interested in at the time. Whether it's a hobby or work, I get so obsessed with whatever I'm doing that I spend way too much time and money at the expense of everything else. Take my current interest in sprouting seeds for my veggie garden. I couldn't sow just a few seeds in a recycled container by a sunny window.... no that would be way too easy. Instead I wanted a primo grow unit with metal shelving, 2 light fixtures for each shelf (yes that's a total of 12 bulbs!) and heating pads.

So now I've got 6 flats of seedlings (with a variety of lettuce, tomatoes, eggplant, spinach, broccoli, broccoli raab, swiss chard, basil, parsely, snap peas, and shelling peas) that are all doing fabulously.

When I sowed the seeds I was afraid that this being my first time sowing indoors that only a few would sprout.
But given the wonderful head start I've given these seeds, I'm looking at about a 95% germination rate! I'm thrilled with the results, but now what am I going to do with all these seedlings?

Like "Jack In The Bean Stalk" there's a moral to this story.


Heather said...

Good morning- it looks like your seedlings will outgrow your basement for sure! I love it when they do that:-D Congrats on the new blog, it is really a fun way to spend some time and 'meet' new people loaded with good info.

Ellie Mae's Cottage said...

Thanks so much for the kind words! I've got lots to learn about gardening and blogging. I started a veggie garden last year for the first time and this year I thought I'd dive right in and try sowing some seeds. I should have sowed earlier, sowed less, and sowed the peas outside, but I'm learning fast!

Anonymous said...

Hi, It looks like you're a pro to me - hard to believe it's your first time. Good going! I did seeds AGAIN and they look horrible AGAIN! Guess I've tried enough. So I'm really thrilled you are doing so well.
Heather mentioned you're new at blogging. Welcome to my world. I didn't have a clue until just before I started mine. Thank goodness I'm doing better at that than I did with seeds. ;-) It's loads of fun and you'll learn so much about gardening it's great. So happy gardening and blogging! Linda

Kimba said...

Wow! All of your little plants look fantastic!

I am planting my first garden this summer too. We can compare tips and ideas.


Seasonal Wisdom said...

Ellie, I know the feeling. I've got way too many seedlings myself. You are obviously doing something very right over there. Teresa

Jan said...

You are really doing well with this project, Ellie. This is my first time with seeds too...and I also had 6 flats. None of mine are veggies, though. Just plain ole' perennials. But for me, that's fun. I have even put some of them in large pots, and am waiting to get them in the ground when the weather is right. It's been either in the mid 90's (the last 3 days) or like today, low 50's and raining-really quite chilly!).
I, like you, purchased several sets of grow lights and even a heating pad from Lowes! Even though it's mostly been a success, I am inclined to NOT do it again next year. But, I might change my mind by then...who knows??!!

Jan said...

I just woke up this morning and realized that somehow I had left my computer on, logged on to your site. oops! sorry if you have sitemeter or another stat counter and see 'woodbridge, va' for 12+ hrs! I'm pretty 'new' to blogging myself...it may not sound new...it's just been since Nov. that I joined Blotanical. And, I did some blogging before that but not interacting with many others...mostly just publishing my own photos, etc.
Also, I just realized I was talking to you doggie in my last message! I've already called you Jackie and now I'm calling you your dogs name....sorry! Another blogging mistake;-) Have a great day!