Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It's Done! Phew!

I finally finished decorating our gargantuan Christmas tree. Here is the result!

And, a close up....

I never have a theme to my Christmas tree and don't like it when everything matches on our family tree. Most of my ornaments (except for some "filler" balls) have meaning. Some were gifts, others were collected during our travels, passed down from our families, handmade, or from our childhood.

This cute little angel ornament was handmade out of a clothespin. Isn't she sweet.

This star is made out of sea shells - how appropriate for our region of the country.

Here are a few lighthouse ornaments. We've actually got a lot of these and have picked them up in sea side shops to our many visits to the Cape.

Here's a little cloisonne hummingbird ornament. I have several of these too and they were gifts from my Mother. I love them!

Of course, our tree wouldn't be complete without Andy's professional sports team ornaments. He loves his Red Sox and Patriots ornaments and always proudly displays them (I try to hide them but he always moves them to the front... *sigh*).

Here are the first two ornaments I ever bought for my own tree. I won't say how old these are. ;)

Well that's it. Soon I'll be posting pictures of the other decorations around our house.... that is as soon as the boxes get put away. Santa still hasn't sent his elves to do that. Darn!


Lona said...

You did such a wonderful job with the new bigger tree. It looks beautiful. I love the sea shell star. How pretty!

Carrie said...

Darn those lazy elves!
That has got to honestly be the most beautiful christmas tree I have ever seen. Good grieef you have style! I love your special decorations and that they all have meaning the memories of times gone past and loved ones - it's what christmas should be all about and YOU have captured it. Boy, I'm gob-smacked xxx

Toni said...

Wow... your tree is just beautiful!!!!

sweetbay said...

It looks beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie~~ When those elusive elves finish at your place, please send them my way. LOL Beautiful tree and ornaments.

Anonymous said...

The tree is beautiful. I especially love the stories behind the ornaments which make it truly yours! The lighthouses are adorable. Probably as soon as you get everything picked up and put away, those elves will show up for cookies and milk!

Anonymous said...

Jackie, your 'gargantuan' tree is beautiful. You did have enough ornaments to do it! I'm like you and have so many ornaments that are sentimental - even some my daughter made in school and some we made together. And some my Mother gave me that they had on their first tree when I was a baby. I guard those few with my life! lOL
Gorgeous tree!!!

Anonymous said...

Mission Accomplished....I knew you could do it. Great job, it's beautiful.


Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

It looks beautiful! I love that the ornaments have meaning, our tree is the same way. Can't wait to see the rest of your decorations.

Tootsie said...

they are all wonderful! the tree is gorgeous...have a great weekend!

Gail said...

and it's beautiful! it wasn't too scary after all or was it! gail

Cathy S. said...

Beautiful tree Jackie, especially the hummingbird!

Dirt Princess said...

Your hard work paid off! it is beautiful! So wonderful to come home, turn on the lights, and enjoy!

vignette design said...

Your tree is just beautiful and full. I love your "peace" ornament. I posted a pic of my "peace" ornament and I also noticed another blogger (can't remember who) had a picture of a peace symbol on her tree. Such a nice sentiment isn't it! Thanks for stopping by. -Delores

Jennifer said...

I'm a Yankee fan - but also a shell collector and I love the star shell ornament - ti is so pretty. Your tree is lovely! Jennifer

Darla said...

A lot of memories on your tree, very nice!!

lynn'sgarden said...

Beautiful, Jackie! We just got our tree today but waiting til the end of the week to decorate when my oldest comes home from college ;) I love the tree best at night with the lights festive! Enjoy all your holiday fun!

Carrie said...

Jackie, really you must visit my blog for a laugh at my tree, all 2ft of it. Hahaha!!! There aren't even lights on it but I still love it and I've added more to the fireplace display now that I must post xx

Joanne said...

Gosh what a lot of ornaments on your tree but how nice when they have memory associations too.

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Your tree looks beautiful! I am glad you had a fun weekend! If only we could relax like a dog after all that fun though right? Yup Jack agrees(-: