Tuesday, December 8, 2009

This Tree Scares Me!

I've pretty much finished decorating the entire house for Christmas - except for this...

This is our new 9 ft Christmas tree that my wonderful guy surprised me with over the weekend. I actually love it - we've got cathedral ceilings so a tall tree works well. Andy has been eyeing this tree since he saw it at Lowes last week. It's fake and pre-lit (thank God I can't imagine stringing lights on that thing), but it's probably the most realistic fake tree I've ever seen. It really is stunning. The only problem is that I've never decorated a tree that large before. All the ornaments I have fit a smaller tree around 6 feet and with something as large as 9 ft I don't know where to begin -- and I don't even think I have enough ornaments.

Anyway, for the past few days I've been just ignoring it in hopes that Santa's little elves will decorate it while I'm sleeping. So far that hasn't happened. Yes I do believe in Santa... can ya hear me Santa? I've been good this year... can you pretty please send me some elves to get this tree done?

In the meantime I'll just admire my mantel.

Oh, and these empty boxes....

I've got tons of them all over the house that need to be put back in the basement. Do you think Santa's elves will do that too? Well, one can only hope.


Anonymous said...

That's a very realistic tree. I can imagine it is overwhelming knowing where to start with decorating it! Your mantle looks beautiful. If you see the elves, send them my way!!!

Anonymous said...

Jackie I love your header with the Christmas dishes. Very nice! And the mantle decorations look fantastic. I have 2 fireplaces and no mantles. But the hearths are huge!!!
That is a beautiful tree. It looks like ours except larger. We finally got a artificial tree with the lights on it too. It does look very real - or we never would have gotten it, living here in christmastree land.

Northern Beauty Seeker said...

That is such a great tree! Now you have room to expand your ornament collection :)

Anonymous said...

C'mon you can do it.....LOL! I wish for elves a lot of time...i.e. laundry, grocery shopping, etc. JUST THINK HOW BEAUTIFUL IT IS GOING TO BE WHEN IT IS ALL DRESSED!!


Stacey said...

Just get your step stool and go for it. You can always collect more ornaments as time goes by. It's going to be gorgeous!

Heather said...

Wow- You really go all out and it looks so nice it makes me want to do more! If it wasn't for my 13.5 yr old daughter, mine would never get decorated. She did it for me the day before Thanksgiving, I love that girl! Can't wait to see what you cme up with, you seem to have the knack for decorating!

sweetbay said...

With this tree they're be more to love! :) It's always fun to collect more Christmas ornaments. Your mantle looks beautiful.