Monday, June 28, 2010

I Admit it....

.... I'm a Martha Stewart fan.  Yes, sad but true.  I guess it's the perfectionist in me (and let me preface that by saying I'm no where near as bad as she is! Thank God Andy would say!).  Any way, her daughter Alexis has inherited many of her mother's qualities and is an accomplished baker.  When I saw this garden cake that she recently posted on her blog I thought how cool is that!  I would never have the patience or skill to make one of these myself, but I would love to have one for a special event.

Check this out!

There's even a stone wall!  I bet it's delicious.  Now excuse me while I go whip up that box cake I have sitting in my cupboard.


Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

The garden cake is so cute but that header photo is simply "to die for" gorgeous!!!

Bangchik and Kakdah said...

Never thought that garden produce can be so colourful and collectively forms an artwork.... ~bangchik

Carrie said...

So cool!
My uncle-in-law had an allotment cake for his birthday complete with shed!! Some people are so talented.
Haaha - my word verification word is 'nomph' - I like that :)

tina said...

Did you decorate your cake like so too? Wowser, can you just imagine how much time this cake must've taken? Probably not for the ordinary folks but it's gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Now that's some cake. How neat. I've sure missed chatting with you and reading your posts!