Sunday, May 10, 2009

Two Words... "Hot Tub"

After almost 10 days of rain and 3 weekends of not being able to get out in the yard, Ellie Mae's gardening crew was out in full force the last 2 days. So we really needed this...

This picture was taken 2 years ago in September 2007 when we installed it. (I was surprised that I didn't have a more recent picture of the area since a lot has changed.) We don't have much money and we saved and sweated to get it, but since we garden we knew it would be a good investment. There's a funny story about the hot tub installation and I'll post it soon so stay tuned.

I'll be sleeping well tonight feeling really tired but satisfied in our accomplishments. I'll tell you more about it this week when I'm less exhausted and can post some pictures.

Until then... Enjoy this...


tina said...

Great hollyhocks! We too have a hot tub. My husband's parents gave us theirs and he loves it. Okay, me too to relax.

MILLIE said...

Very nice hollyhock. Don't have a hot tub yet, but sometimes I wish for one. Enjoy yours for me.

Heather said...

What an amazing hollyhock, I am not sure I have ever seen black. Fun. Today I sure wish I had a hot tub, I am so sore.

Anonymous said...

Great Hollyhock! You just soak it up and enjoy for all of us that don't have one. From what I've heard it's the electric that would kill us here to have one! Oh how I could use it with this tired old body!

Jennifer AKA keewee said...

Hmmm! don't have a hot tub, perhaps I should have one on my 'wish list'

Ellie Mae's Cottage said...

The hollyhock was on the property when we bought the house and I knew nothing about gardening. It only came up that first year and I never bothered to collect the seeds. It was stunning and if I knew then what I know now I would have saved all the seeds I could. I'd like to grow hollyhocks again and I even bought some seed a few months ago. If anyone has any tips on how to grow these from seeds I'd love the advice. I've been doing some research and have read that it's best to sow the seeds directly in the ground in the fall for a spring plant and but that it won't bloom until the second year since it's a biannual. I've also heard conflicting advice that it's better to sow in the spring, get the plant this summer, and then get an earlier bloom the following year.

The hot tub is made by Saratoga Springs. They are a bit pricy but well worth it. The higher purchase reflects the quality of the tub. It's highly efficient and super insulated. In the winter our electric bill is only about $40 more than it normally is (and New England often gets down in the single digits temperature-wise in January and February). In the summer it's only about $15 more to our bill. I know that some hot tubs really eat up electricity and can add $80-$100 to your electric bill. We haven't seen that increase in the 2 years since we've owned the tub. But we did a lot a research on it before we bought it.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I'd love to have a hot tub. Definitely something I've been working on.
I started hollyhocks by winter sowing this year. has the directions for how to do it. It worked very well and I ended up with lots of seedlings. I've been lucky that some have self sow here too. I love the color of the one you show.

Dirt Princess said...

LOVE the hollyhocks!!!!! I am so excited for mine to bloom. Well first they have to grow!!! I love a hot tub on a cold day!

Ellie Mae's Cottage said...

..just another note... that hollyhock was actually growing in a shaded area. I have no idea how it got that big with so many blooms in the shade. Don't they need full sun? Everything else I've tried in that bed since hasn't survived unless it's a shade or partial shade plant. I have no idea what the previous owners did to get is so beautiful... maybe they put a spotlight on it at night! LOL

Beegirl said...

Oh, I'd love to get a hot tub. We've been looking at a small two person model that wouldn't take up much room. Your dark hollyhocks are lovely!! My sister-in-law used to have the same variety.

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

We just pooled our savings to purchase a hot tub and once the electrician hooks it up we'll be enjoying it for the same reasons you enjoy yours--to soothe aching muscles after hard work.

I LOVE your hollyhock too!
