Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Bird Happy

If you listen and watch carefully the earth speaks to you. I often get giddy as the beauty of Mother Nature unfolds around me. Like a child with bright eyes and a heart opened wide I'm fascinated by the ripples in a brook, the softness of lush moss growing up the side of tree, and the sparkle of a spider web wet from the morning dew. When I am bestowed with a "God Gift" I get especially excited and will run like lightening to retrieve my camera so I can freeze a moment in time.

Two such occasions happened over the weekend and I was so thrilled to have caught them both in stills - which is rare for me since I'm usually so shaky with excitement that I can't get a clear picture.

First up it was feeding time at a popular bird house in our side garden. So far this year we've hosted 3 bird families here - a titmouse family, then some chickadees, and now sparrows.

As though catching a feeding on digital wasn't thrilling enough I was soon to be treated to another God Gift as I weeded a raised bed. While I knelt down next to the bed I felt something ever so lightly brush up against my leg. It was so soft that at first I thought it was just the wind breezing by (or maybe delirium from too much weeding). But then I caught something out of the corner of my eye - a hoping fluffy ball like a cotton puff dipped in ink. Hop, hop, and hop again - I watched as it bounced by me chirping ever so softly.

My heart started to race as well as my thoughts. "My God it's a baby robin!" I yelled. "It must have fallen from the nest!" I said out loud even though no one was around to hear me. I followed the little fluff as it hopped away - I noticed its feathers were still wet with newness.

Immediately my thoughts turned to how I would rescue the baby bird. Should I pick it up and take it home? Surely it wouldn't survive without some assistance. Thankfully I didn't have to think too long as Mama and Papa soon arrived on the scene thoroughly annoyed (or should I say furious) at my presence. As loving parents should they protected their young by squawking at me and diving for my head - I was never so thankful to be the target of a bird attack!

Amazingly Mama and Papa guided their baby back to the nest in the thicket of a conifer where its siblings waited for the lost one's safe return. Finally the fledgling took its place back in the comfort of its protective family. I then let out a loud sigh of relief as I thanked God for allowing me to experience this precious gift.


  1. What a lovely, up-lifting post this morning. Isn't God good? Hope you have a great day.

  2. Hi Jackie- Congrats on the perfect bird shots! They are definitely hard to capture when you really want that picture. For somereason your posts aren't showing up in my Faved Blog Posts like they normally do. I have noticed this on several blogs I have faved. I will have to figure out the problem soon. Have a great day!

  3. NIce pictures. Glad the baby made it home safe.

  4. What an absoultely lovely post. You did have a good day, lucky girl. (By the way, your first paragraph is written beautifully.)

  5. Isn't is great to catch nature in action? I get excited by those things too. You got some excellent pictures!

  6. Well you caught some great shots there.

  7. Lovely pictures! We've been lucky to have a baby robins nest in the barn, then a baby cardinals in a pine tree. Snapped a photo of them before their eyes were developed. Wrens are trashing the back porch as they build a nest in "Wren House." Isn't it wonderful to have them around??

  8. Great pictures!

    And a very uplifting post. You really reminded me how much we have to be grateful for.

    Now I just can't wait to get outside! :)

  9. Hi Jackie! Great images! Attacking birds could be a part of the horror movie Birds.

  10. Wow what a fantastic blog ! I really enjoyed the story about the baby robin and you have some beautiful photos.

  11. I love these bird photos!!! Your blog is so pretty - there are flowers from top to bottom :)

    When you get a chance, check out my blog and maybe follow too, would love to have you there :)


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