Friday, June 5, 2009

Fertilizer Friday

Things are finally kicking into gear in my garden so I decided to participate in Tootsie Time's Fertilizer Friday. Please go check out her blog if you haven't already she's got an incredible garden - pure eye candy!

So here goes..

Love these yellow zinnia's they are always a good filler in my garden.

A dainty little strawberry bloom. I've already got a bunch of berries almost ready for picking - that is if the chipmunks don't get to them before we do!

The rhoddie is in all its glory.

Another rhoddie pic...

A peony bud moist from dew. I'm anxiously waiting for them to bloom... so close!

My peas have lots of flowers - unbelievable considering all the difficulties I had with them as seedlings. The snap peas don't have flowers yet but they are so tall.

Some lantana... probably one of my favorite annuals.

Verbena - another favorite annual of mine.

A yellow coneflower. I took this at picture at dusk and the yellow really pops against the dark background.

The clematis blooms are looking really great - but sadly today I noticed lots of fungal spotting. It doesn't appear to be wilt, but I'm not sure. I cut out affected areas, and then sprayed and I prayed - now I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it survives whatever is ailing it since it has the most gorgeous blooms.

Bearded Iris growing in my shade garden. This is one of my favorite spring blooms.

Hopefully by next week I'll be able to post pics of the peony in full bloom -- as long as I can stake it up by then. Every year staking them is a struggle and never seems to work great. I've tried all kinds of staking methods with little success. I'll let you know what I come up this weekend - that is if I can figure some thing out.

Happy Friday!!!


  1. things here are very slow this year too! it feels like forever since I planted and it is just taking sooooo long to see progress!
    I am delighted to have you join me in the flower party! thank you! I do hope you will join again..your plants are just so pretty and healthy looking!
    welcome to my blog list as well new friend!

  2. What a nice time - more and more blooms every day! As for a clematis, I have several of them that suffer from a wilt. Grow well, bloom, but then, the top part just wilts. I got tired and planted Clematis montana at the same arbor. Now, there are 4 clematises at one arbor!

  3. I agree, you are a bit behind me. My peony blooms we're about 3-5 weeks ago. But everything looks beautiful. It is makes you feel any better it is getting hot and humid here in So. Indiana! ~Brooke

  4. Jackie everything looks beautiful. Great that you joined Tootsies Fertilizer Friday.
    Hope your Clematis pulls out of it. I'm going to post my Josephine - she's not doing well either and I'm really worried.

  5. Your blooms are lovely! I can't wait until mine are doing the same thing! Do you show pics of the whole bed? I would love to see that too~

  6. Your clematis flowers are really pretty. Is it 'Nelly Moser'? Mine never does well, it's the only one I have that dies back before it blooms. I hope yours will be okay!
    I've just really discovered lantana this year, I actually have a picture of the one today. Pretty soon things will be blooming all over!

  7. Gorgeous blooms! Happy FF to you!!! Enjoy your day!!!!

  8. Looking good! The peony bud shot is great! I grow verbena and lantana here as a perennial. It has come back for the past four years. Your rhodies are great also...everything is great

  9. Tootsie, thanks for the warm welcome to Fertilizer Friday!

    Tatyana, I'll have to check out the Clemantis Montana that you mentioned. Is it less prone to wilt?

    Linda, I'll be praying for your clematis too! Seems like they all need some prayers right.

    Heather, the flowers I posted are from several different beds. My garden has been slow to bloom this year so there are one and two things blooming in each area it seems but nothing is giving me a real show yet. I'll post pictures soon of each of the beds so folks can see where they all are.

    Cahterine, I'm not sure what the species is the clematis that I have. It has large blooms and blooms all summer. I bought it the first year I moved into the house when I just started to garden and I never saved the tag or made note of what it is, but I'd love to know. I just hope I don't lose it because this is the first year that it really is taking off.

    Dirt Princess, it would be so awesome to live someplace warm enough to have lantana and verbena as perennials. For us the weather is cold most of the year so I can only have them as annuals.

    Thanks all for your wonderful comments! -Jackie

  10. Wow! Lots of eye candy in your garden too. The pictures are wonderful! I hope you got your computer fixed now and are enjoying these nice days. I do bet that peony will open soon too.

  11. Lovely Friday pictures!! So many of the flowers are beautiful -- I especially like your pink Clematis.

  12. Happy Friday! Your peony is about to explode! My mom's are blooming now. Love your clematis too! Been wanting to do some coneflowers too! Beautiful post!!

  13. Everything looks lovely! Thanks for sharin'.

  14. The color on that iris is wonderful! LOVE it!


  15. You have a wonderful garden thanks so much for sharing! Warm wishes for a super weekend, Esther

  16. Oh I love the colors in that Verbena. I want!

  17. Jackie... thanks for visiting Flower Hill and now I have found you! What a great post and love that you are an advocate for Organic!!!

  18. Hi Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    I love your photos especially the Clematis looks a bit like Pink Fantasy but there are so many similar ones do you know what it is?

  19. Thank you so much for coming by~ your flowers are gorgeous. I love the ( almost ready to open ) peony and the clematis is beautiful.

    Have a great weekend~ J

  20. Amazing blooms !
    I don't know where to start..gotta have many of the same flowees.
    I thought peonies were just spring bloomers...don't have any so not sure.

  21. I'm a lover of lantana, too. I love to watch the butterflies in action around it. Beautiful pics! Thank you so much for sharing!

  22. I have that same kind of strawberry but I don't ever get any edible strawberries from it. It sure does love to flower though!

  23. Just gorgeous! Beautiful photos and a beautiful blog. Plus I want Ellie-Mae, she and Maggie could be best friends x
    Thank you again for your comment on my essay.


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