Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Major Award!

I'm so honored! I've received my first award from Dirt Princess http://northmobilegardensociety.blogspot.com/. I'm so excited I want to hang this major award in my front window.... remember this?

Ok, it's not Christmas but it kinda feels that way. I've been blogging for a short time and have met so many nice people from all over the world and learned so much from some wonderful gardeners. Please check out Dirt Princess' blog. Her expertise in design shines through both in her garden and the wonderful projects that she does. I love her garden notebook! It's definitely inspiring me to create something like that myself instead of the scrap pieces of paper that I use now to jot down notes (and then lose of course!). Also be sure the follow the travels of Bilbo on the Dirt Princess blog - this golden garden gnome is now heading for Great Britain!

As part of the award I'm supposed to share this award with 15 other bloggers that I truly enjoy reading and love the looks of their blog or their helpfulness. So here goes. I hope you check out my list (in random order) and enjoy their blogs as much as I do:

Idaho Small Goat Garden http://smallgoatgarden.blogspot.com/

Does Everything Grow Better In My Neighbor's Yard? http://yardisgreen.blogspot.com/

Nestled in the Singing Woods http://sweetannee.blogspot.com/

If you'd like to pass the award on to a favorite new blogger, these are the suggested rules.
  1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
  2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
  3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.


  1. Good Morning Jackie- thanks so much for the award! You made my morning!

  2. Thanks for the award! And Congrats on your award. I found some other great new blogs too- thanks for sharing. = )

  3. A very hearty Congratulations to you Jackie! Well deserved indeed. I've visited Dirt Princess's blog too and she has a lovely blog as well! And thanks so much for thinking of me to pass a long the ward. I am honored:) P.S. I'm still out of town but wanted to come by and say Congrats and Thanks!

  4. Congratulations, and thank you for the award I feel very honored.

  5. Congrats to you! Thank you so much for the award! I am flattered! : ))

  6. Congratulations Jackie! And thank you for the award, I'm very flattered : )

  7. Jackie, thank you very much. I appreciate you thinking of me. Congratulations to you too.

  8. Congrats Jackie! You do deserve the award, I really enjoy your blog.
    Thank you so much for thinking of me! It does make me feel good to know you like my blog :)

  9. Wow...that is so sweet! It feels good to know people read my blog! Thanks for your kind words. I hope everyone will follow Bilbo and put in for a chance to have him come visit them. Thanks :)

  10. Jackie (Ellie Maye's Mom!), I'm so very flattered to receive this award! I will try very hard to create a post before long. I do leave tomorrow (Thurs) and won't return home until Sunday evening, so it'll have to be next week. You are very sweet. I now have quite a number of new sites to visit, thanks to you! :-)

  11. Thanks for the award, Jackie. I can't wait to pass it along.

    Always Growing


Thank you stopping by my blog and commenting. I read all of the comments and appreciate every single one of them. I try my best to respond back to them, but with a busy work schedule it's not always easy. If you leave your email address or link back to your email address from your profile it's much easier for me to respond. Please do not be offended if I don't respond. It doesn't mean that I'm not reading your comments and grateful that you stopped by. - Warm Regards, Jackie