Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's Fair Season!

We recently went to a local town fair. I love this time of year when the ferris wheels start popping up and the smells of fair food fill the air!

A stop by the livestock nursery is always one of mine favorites things to do at the fair.

This little lamb was so talkative. He was a friendly little one who came up to all who visited him as he enjoyed a pat on the head. "Bah, bah, baaaaahhhhh!" He keep announcing loudly.

This mama goat and her kid were nestled in for evening. How sweet!

I don't know a thing about livestock, but this guy sure had a lot of hair.

Here's a girl who is very comfortable around cattle. Isn't this cute!

A little affection from one little baby to another.

Look at that huge eye!

There's nothing quite like fair food.... so bad for you but so good!

I have to eat fried dough when I go the fair or it's just doesn't seem right.

I'm a big chicken when it comes to rides - especially ones like this, but it's so pretty at night.

More pretty lights....

Wow look at all these colorful prizes!

What do you like best about the fair?


  1. Love the zipper! It was so fun when I was a kid. Not so much now. lol

  2. These are the best pictures! You bring back so many memories. I always loved candied apples from the fair.

  3. I love the fair. My daughter always raised a pig for the fair. She was in FFA. So of course we went everyday. I have great memories of fair time!
    I always have to have a corndog at the fair!!!(-:

  4. I always have to have an elephants ear or a caramel apple.Our county fair is in middle September and you never knew if you would smother or freeze.

  5. caramel apple with nuts please !!

    I love the noise, the smell
    and your pictures ..
    hugs, Cherry

  6. I like the treats the fairs usually has, the games are usually fun.
    The hairy guy is a miniature horse, cute little fella.

  7. Jackie, what great photos! I especially love the one with the girl resting against the cow... that is just precious!!!

    I must say that I love the food!!! And the exhibits... Oh... I love to see all the different kinds of chickens!

    My boys (15 & 11) love the rides.

    I miss the Topsfield fair in Massachusetts!!!!

    But we do have lots of "real deal" county fairs here in the the Big Horn Basin of Wyoming... fun times!

  8. Good fairs like that aren't a big thing here. There are 3 I can think off all in castles but they are super duper expensive to get into. I haven't ever been to Shane's Castle or Glenarm Castle but our Carrickfergus Castle does a pretty good Lammass fair which we've been too a few times. No big rides or animals sor much food though - we are wick here....:(
    Look like you had a good time though and thanks for sharing. I want a goat.

  9. My brother loved to ride the Zipper when he was a kid. Not me! lol

    Beautiful Jersey (or Swiss Brown) calf. I think those cows really are beautiful.

    Our State Fair happens in mid-October. It's way too hot for a fair down here!

  10. Sad to say, I rarely go the county fair anymore; I'm usually too busy or it's too hot. But your lovely images are making me think it's time to go back!

  11. I love fairs! My oldest was just asking me when our state fair is, she doesn't want me to forget :)
    I always love seeing the baby animals up close.

  12. I love the picture of "a girl and a cattle".... Look at her fingers and cattle's eye.... haha. they really are comfortable with each other.

    ~ bangchik

  13. That looks like so much fun. :) The fair here happens in the fall so it's really fun to see your pictures. I grew up in Dallas and my favorite part of the fair was always the Fletcher's corny dogs! Pure greasy heaven.

  14. What a fun post, makes me miss the fair back in WV.

  15. Great pictures Jackie.
    I also use to love the fair and still do but don't seem to go much. When I do I head straight for the pig pen! One year we watched a lively bunch of little tiny ones running around as fast as they could chase each other - right over the top of Mama while she layed there trying to rest. It was so hilarious I laughed 'til I cried!
    The brown calf (Jersey?) is just what I was looking for last summer to get pictures of because they have the sweetest faces. I finally found one and got a great close up shot of his face but he had a big yellow number tag on his ear so it kind of wrecked the whole effect!

  16. Wonderful fair photos, so colorful! We used to have The National Dairy Cattle Congress in our city but it left several years back, I miss the excitement it brought and the Tom Thumb donuts.

  17. Looks like a wonderful time! Have to say.. I love the chickens. What a shocker! : ))

  18. Similiar to the 4-H fair we went to but no rides..the kids love checking out the animals! Thanks for sharing your fun trip!

  19. That ride!! that's my favorite ride!! I love love love it.


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