Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thank You to Sunweeds!

I owe a belated thank you to Stacey over at Sunweeds Secret Garden. She was so very kind to honor me with a One Lovely Blog Award. Stacey is a very talented crafter as well as gardener. She makes beautiful bouquet's out of buttons. Yes buttons and they are gorgeous, unique and so colorful! Stacey has an Etsy shop where you can buy one already made or request to have a customized bouquet made just for you.

In addition to her artistry skills, Stacey has an incredible green thumb. Her gardens are filled with scented lavender and roses - I can almost smell them all the way from Australia! And, you really must check out her garden shed - it's like something out of fairy tale.

Since I recently received a Lovely Blog Award from Dirt Princess (love her designing skills - wish she lived in Massachusetts so she could redesign my master bedroom!). I'll refer you all to my recent tags from an earlier post instead of tagging again. It's so difficult to choose my favorites because there are so many blogs that I really love.

Thank you again Stacey!

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Thank you stopping by my blog and commenting. I read all of the comments and appreciate every single one of them. I try my best to respond back to them, but with a busy work schedule it's not always easy. If you leave your email address or link back to your email address from your profile it's much easier for me to respond. Please do not be offended if I don't respond. It doesn't mean that I'm not reading your comments and grateful that you stopped by. - Warm Regards, Jackie