Thursday, July 23, 2009

They Hatched!

This morning I heard the sounds of sweet peeps coming from the burning bush outside our great room window. I quickly ran to get my camera since I knew that sound could only mean the robin eggs have finally hatched. They must have hatched sometime late yesterday because earlier in the day when I looked there were still only eggs in the nest.

Look at how precious they are. So very small they can't even lift their heads up to feed but Mama is bending down to feed them and Papa is standing guard while she does. I only see two hatched in the nest and there were 3 eggs. I'm not sure if a third baby is hiding beneath the other two or if it just hasn't hatched yet. Either way I hope it's still alive.

I'll keep photo journaling this wonderful sight and share it with you as things progress.


  1. How exciting! It reminds me of a small cedar waxwing my wife and I saved from off the ground last year.

  2. This is so fab!!! How cute and helpless they are, I wish them all the luck in the world.

  3. Isn't this precious! I love seeing the newbees ... TY for sharing. TTFN~ Marydon

  4. What little sweet hearts(-: Congrats on your new family!!!(-:

  5. Gosh...they are helpless and naked looking. I'm looking forward to watching them grow. Wild things encounter many life-threatening encounters in their short I hope they make it.

  6. I've never seen birdies this little before... they don't have any real feathers yet. Mama birdie lays over them to keep them warm it's so cute I wish I could get a picture of that but every time I pull the camera out she flies away. -Jackie

  7. that's so exciting! We had baby doves this spring on our patio! I hope they return next year!

  8. Plenty of entertainment there for the next few weeks. I will be looking forward to seeing more pictures as the babies grow.

  9. Hello Jackie,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I love that picture, you are so lucky that you got to see those babes!

  10. What a nice addition to the family... You are quick to get the camera, as soon as the first chirp was heard.... It warms anybody's heart.

    ~ bangchik

  11. Sooooo sweet and you got such a beautiful photo, amazing!!!! They're so adorable!!
    ♥ Teresa

  12. They're so tiny -- very cute!!

  13. What a sweet little family! -Jackie

  14. How adorable!

    You will have so much fun watching these sweet little ones.

  15. oh how wonderful!!! their little naked selves...soon they will be chirping away!!!
    say hi to your mom for me!!! I am flattered that you all read my posts!

  16. What a great pic Jackie. It looks like you'll have a "birds eye view" of this nest! That will make it all the more fun to watch. I worried over the baby finches that hatched in a basket on my front door wreath too. I could never see all four babies (there were four eggs) until they got much bigger. I bet your three eggs will turn out to be three babies. It's interesting that birds are still nesting ~ I guess I was thinking that "season" was over??

  17. Jackie~~ Congratulations! I look forward to your next installment.

  18. Wow- you have a bird's eye view. What perfect pictures, I hope you will keep us posted as they grow.

  19. So sweet! I hope the third one's under there!

  20. Oh, so cute! Grow up big and strong, little ones!

  21. Wonderful, the beauty of nature. You have a Bird's Eye view!!

  22. Lovely! Our nest of Phoebes on the porch and the bluebirds in the vegetable garden have all fledged & gone. It is lovely to see your babies! Enjoy your day -

    Jeanne, Seven Oaks


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