Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Weather Break

I'm interrupting the tour of the Flower Show for an important weather declaration -


Sorry for shouting, but those of us in the Northeast have had it with all the rain and cool weather. The past 2 days we've experienced torrential downpours and flash flood warnings.

(Photo credit:

During the month of June we've had only 8 rain free days and most of those days weren't even sunny. Both my perennial and vegetable gardens are flooded. The containers are a mess. Flowers are broken, plants are soggy, stems fallen all over the ground and snapped. There's debris everywhere and of course there's weeds, weeds, and more weeds. Fungus and disease abounds and it's difficult to spray because the rain won't stop long enough to allow it. It seems like all my hard work has gone down the drain - quite literally indeed. I haven't been out to take pictures because it bothers me so. My poor little Ellie has been shaking in fear for the past two days from the bowling sounds of thunder.

If that's not enough there's a late blight warning in effect for my area. One of my favorite New England bloggers - Cathy over at Skippy's Garden has a very informative post about it.

You can also check out this video from our local news station to get a taste of our current weather conditions.

Either the sun had better come out soon or I'm building an ark and getting out of here!

Thanks for giving me a moment to vent.... I feel better now... I think.


  1. Poor Ellie, thunder can be very scary. Give her a hug from me. Sorry the weather is getting you down and the garden is suffering so much. We'ew having similar probs in N. Ireland ~ rainy and muggy and fugus and blight central! It's incomfortably sticky yet still coldish - so confused. I just wish this constant living inside a cloud would STOP! Thanks for letting me vent to...x

  2. We here in the southeast can totally understand, and wish we could take some of that rain off your hands.

  3. Why is it with rain, it always seems like feast or famine?

    Rain is a good thing, but constant rain can be very depressing!

    Hoping for some sunny skies for you soon!

  4. Dang, Jackie. Doesn't mother nature know it's July now and she really ought to straiten up? I hope all of your garden will rebound soon! You can always build an Ark if this doesn't stop:-D

  5. Oh Jackie! It's been a cold summer here too. Rain the last 3 days and 58 degrees this morning. I don't think we've had as much rain as you, but there hasn't been much sun either. Had to take a HOT BATH and read last night as my feet were FROZEN after picking aphids off the tomatoes in the COLD RAIN. Hope your garden recovers.. Thanks for the beauty with your flower show photos. Really lovely...

  6. What strange weather we're all having this year, it won't stop raining by you and here in the midwest it's been in the 60's? in July? I never thought I'd see the day. Hope it clears up over there.

  7. The extra spring I came to embrace as a great time to transplant and propagate some shrubs. We had a week of 90s, and now are back to the 70s. Quite odd. But at least I'm getting more weeks of lettuce out of it. :)

  8. I am so sorry the weather is damaging your lovely plants, I would really like some here in Guildford UK perhaps share a little with us. Every time it suggests rain we get three specks and then it passes by without any more. We must just live in a shadow of hills.

  9. If it makes you feel better, you're not alone. We've been experiencing a ton of rain and cooler than normal temps too. My annuals are still just sitting in their pots waiting to "jump." This week, it is finally supposed to get hot so maybe it will for you soon too.
    PS Those containers are Rosecliff are PHENOMENAL!


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