Friday, August 28, 2009

Feeling Blue

There's nothing like a little redecorating to lift my spirits as summer comes to an end. So I decided to do some spray painting. I've had this wicker chest below for quite some time and have always wanted to paint it but couldn't decide on the color. When I found Mediterranean Blue spray paint from Valspar at Lowe's I knew it was just what it needed.

Here's the finished project.

A closer look at the seashells I've placed atop it. I had these on the chest when it was natural wicker and I'm amazed at how they really stand out now against the aqua blue color. Pretty soon I'll be taking these down when I start my Fall decorating, but for a few more weeks more I'm enjoying them.

The blue glass vases I've had in the fireplace nook have been there all summer. They match the chest perfectly. I change out the mantel with the seasons and will be looking for some orange vases. I like the color combination of orange and blue so I think the blue chest will work fine for the Fall.

Here's a closer look at the fireplace nook. Andy designed the fireplace. He also crafted the mantel, installed the stone, and did all the electrical. The corner in which this fireplace sits used to just be a bare wall. Our house didn't have a fireplace when we bought it and we always wanted one so Andy added it himself last winter. He did an amazing job! He hand crafted the molding and corbels - nothing was pre-made. I love it and we always joke that it is so well made that if the house were to get hit by some natural disaster that the fireplace would remain standing.

I love cut sunflowers in the house this time of year.

I've been wanting to do something with this sofa table.

I've never liked it because the Queen Style is not my taste and the color doesn't match anything I have. I decorate it for the seasons too so right now it has some sea birds on it along with a jar of seashells. Since we can't afford a new table I'll probably end up painting it and changing out the handles but I'm not sure what color yet. Most of the wood furniture in the room is painted white (with the exception of the blue chest). I don't think I want to paint it white because it sits against a white sofa and blue would be too much. Maybe black would work. If you have any ideas I'd love to hear them.


  1. Hi Jackie~~ Isn't it amazing what spray paint can do? Nice job on the transformed wicker table.

    I have no plausible suggestions for the sofa table, since my forte lies strictly in the outdoor pursuits. I'm sure one of these talented bloggers will have just the ticket.
    Your home is beautiful. You're quite the decorator and your hubby, quite the craftsman!

  2. What a lovely, warm room and I love the blue that you chose. I recently added knick-knacks in that same color to my navy/maroon living room. The fireplace is a showpiece; unique and stunning. I agree that orange will blend beautifully with the blue accents for Autumn.

  3. me again...I notice a maroon accent wall by the fireplace. Could you paint your table maroon and antique it in black?

  4. I love the wicker chest that blue is stunning and I love Miss Mildred's idea of paining the sofa table maroon and antique it in black ..
    What a beautiful & cozy room it is so much fun when a little thing can make such a huge difference. Have a fun weekend. hugs, Cherry

  5. That wicker chest turned out wonderfully. I love the fireplace too! You have a touch for decorating for sure.

  6. Very nice! Your living room is lovely. Andy did an amazing job with the fireplace nook.

  7. Jackie, if ever you're in Idaho.... could you swing by and help me decorate my home. I so don't have the touch and it's obvious you do. Love how the wicker table turned out. Great choice!~

  8. You are a good decorator Jackie! I love that new color on the chest, it's one of my favorites.

  9. Lovely home but I love that now blue wicker piece ... what a change! Have a beautiful weekend. TTFN ~ Marydon

  10. I think the wicker chest looks fantastic! Why don't you change out the hardware on the table as a start! But your idea to paint it black is good; a distressed finish with a bit of the old finish showing through. It would echo both the black on the fire place and the woodwork. Your home is lovely. gail

  11. My mom and I have been spray painting for many years.....chest came out all of your decor, lovely.

  12. I love how the blue turned out, one of my favorite colors! You really do have a good eye for decorating. I wish I did, I focus so much on the outside that I sometimes forget to do a whole lot of decorating inside.

  13. That really just set everything off! Looks amazing! I love that shade of blue

  14. Love the blue! Spray paint is great,isnt it? My favorite colors (at the moment) are red and black.

  15. Hey Jackie! I'm doing my bedroom in the blue and brown theme...I love your living room! Such a warm wall color too! I'd be deathly afraid of a white Swing by when you have a chance, you've been tagged!

  16. That blue is perfect. Your home is beautiful and the fireplace rocks! ;)

  17. It looks awesome! I love that color! Great choice(-: It really looks so much nice painted too!
    The sofa table is pretty and I would do it in black! That would look cool(-:
    The fireplace is just beautiful. Your husband did a fantastic job building it!
    I love how you have decorated the room!

  18. The bluish color on your chest is awesome! You have the same colors that I have reds, golds, greens. I've wanted to incorporate that blue also. It's gorgeous.

  19. Great job on the wicker chest. I love it. Have you considered picking up the burgundy from the carpet and the wall behind the TV? It's a nice dark color to contrast the white sofa. It might also pair well enough with the style of the table to not be an obvious paint job, especially if you antique it a bit. Can't wait to see the results, whatever you decide.

  20. I LOOOVE the beachy feel of your living room. I would just change the knobs on the sofa table (maybe dark round ones or something similar, you can try a few and pick which one you like). I think it's a nice color, I would not change that.


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