Thursday, September 24, 2009

Farewell J.P.

There are some people that come in to your life and touch you like a bright light from above. I was fortunate to know such a person and Andy was blessed enough to call him Dad. But, when God calls that person back home the loss we feel seems to numb us to our core.

On September 9, Andy's father returned home to heaven. Although I had only known J.P. for 10 years he was in every sense a father to me too. I loved him with all my heart and relished the time we spent together debating all kinds of subjects. J.P. was a kind soul whose generosity saw no bounds. Such generosity was evident as he practiced dentristy and took care of patients who had no money or insurance to pay for dental care. He was a modest man who preferred to be called J.P. instead of Dr. Jean Paul Grenon.

Of all the joys in his life (and sports was one of them) his family brought him the most happiness. With his loving wife Fleurette by his side he watched his 3 children grow to have families of their own and relished in being called Pepere by 5 wonderful grandchildren.

We will miss you J.P. We will miss watching the Red Sox, Patriots, and Celtics games with you. We will miss debating politics with you and the many other subjects you were so passionate about. We will miss seeing you sit at the head of the table and carving the turkey during holiday dinners. We will miss the twinkle in your eye.... your kind smile.... your sense of humor (the "Charlie Brown" ornament will forever have a place of prominence on our Christmas tree.) You live on in our memories, our hearts, and our souls. We know you continue to be with us in spirit as you watch over us from heaven.

Thank you J.P. for allowing me to know you. May you rest in peace.


Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful, heart-warming tribute to your father in law. My sincere sympathy in your loss. I know from experience that the holidays will not quite be the same, but I pray that each of you will be comforted by his memory and the knowledge that you will be reunited one day. God bless.

Dirt Princess said...

It is never easy...I am so sorry for your loss. As you were honored to be able to have known him.

Besides this, I hope you are doing well. I am trying to catch back up!

Mary Delle LeBeau said...

What a wonderful commemoration of your father-in-law. He sounds like such a wonderful person.

Michelle, All Home and Love said...

It sounds as though the world is better off for having had him in it. I'm sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your father-in-law and for your loss! What a beautiful tribute to him. He sounds like he was a wonderful man! Hugs to you.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

So sorry to hear about your Father-in-law. He sounds like a very special person that you all have great memories of.

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Jackie, I know you have lots of good, happy memories about your Father-in-law. Thanks for sharing some of them with us.

Toni said...

So sorry...

My husband lost his Dad this year too.

sweetbay said...

I am so sorry for you and your husband's loss. You are having a rough year. This post was a beautiful tribute to your father-in-law.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie~~ I'm sure there is a huge void where there stood a huge presence. One day you'll be be reunited. God bless.

Maureen said...

So sorry for your family's loss. What a wonderful tribute for J.P, he sounds like a wonderful man. Heaven has gained another angel.

Maureen said...

P.S. Jackie, I love your blog x

Jan said...

I know how hard it is to lose a loved one. You and your family have my sympathy on losing such a wonderful man.

Always Growing

Darla said...

Thoughts of you and yours. Time...

Anonymous said...

Jackie I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your Father In Law. It sounds like he was a wonderful man in his work and home life. I can feel every bit of your pain as I just lost my Father last week. We found out in June he was sick and so I haven't been around much either. I'm still working on doing a post about him for friends and family to see but the words aren't coming easy.
You did a wonderful job of writing this great tribute to him.

tina said...

I am so sorry for your family's loss Jackie. Two deaths in such a short time is just not fair. Please take care.

Heather said...

What a lovely post about a man that touched your life! I am sorry for your family's loss but it seems you have lots of wonderful memories to warm your heart~

lynn'sgarden said...

Jakie, I'm late on this thoughts and prayers are being Fedex now...a wonderfully heartfelt tribute here and I hope your will find joy in the all good memories.

Anonymous said...

Your father-in-law truly brings meaning to the words I had carved into my Aunt Freda's gravestone, "To live in the hearts of those we love is not to die."