Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cozying up for Autumn

Edited - Hooked on Houses is having a fall tour so I thought I'd link up. Please visit Julia and her fabulous blog to see more wonderful homes.

As gardening becomes more fall cleanup than anything else my thoughts turn towards making the inside of our home as cozy and comfy as possible. I decorate for just about every holiday and season. I get bored easily so it's a good thing that I have a white sofa and chair so I can switch out colors as often as I like. Most of my accessories I've collected over the years come from flea markets,thrift shops, yard sales, and dollar stores. I don't spend a lot of money on my holiday decorations and will often buy something at season's end and put it away for next year just so I can take advantage of a clearance sale.

For example, this lighted pumpkin I got at a dollar store many years back. Every night I look at him he makes me smile and the kids love him when they come trick or treating.

The mantel is the most fun to spruce up each season. The only downside is that huge 42" flat screen TV, but it keeps hubby happy so I decorate around it. If you look here, you can see what the mantel looked like for summer.

After I took the picture above I noticed that the hearth area looked a little bare. So I added 2 small pumpkins and a pick of leaves I had in my basement to the candle holders.

Here is close up of the lighted nook.

Even the top of the bookcases in our great room get the autumn treatment. A few pumpkins, some soft lights, and a several sprigs of leaf garland is all this area needs.

You've seen this sofa table before here. I still want to paint it and I'm leaning towards painting it a distressed black (with red underneath). In the meantime it gets freshened up too with some mercury glass and a jar filled with gourds.

I'm a pillow addict. I have tons of them and switch them out all the time. Here's a new addition to my pillow collection that I picked up at Home Goods. I would have loved an orange throw but I can't seem to find one that is reasonably priced so I'll keep looking.

Here's a peek into the kitchen. I have many built-ins all over my kitchen so I've got lots of areas to display things.

This arrangement is simply some fake leaves, pine cones, and a candle on a black wire pedestal.

More built-ins...

The kitchen window gets spruced up as well.

Decorating can be as simple as a jar filled with some shredded paper from the dollar store.

The baker's rack where I store cook books gets made spooky too.

The dinning room gets some black accessories for Halloween.

Usually this hutch has blue willow plates. I switched those out for black and white plates and then added some small pumpkins for a punch of color.

In one corner of the dinning room is a small desk. This desk is also on my To Do list to be painted and flanked with a new chair. It will probably be white next time you see it.

The kitchen door gets a fall wreath. I love to put wreaths on the inside of doors too.

Well that's my tour of our fall decorations.

To see some other fabulous fall transformations please visit Susan over at Between Naps on the Porch.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie~~ I'm not much of a decorator, however a light bulb lit up when I saw your vintage window in the center of your bookcase display. I found a small window with a Tudor feel,very unusual...and I was perplexed as to where to put it. Now I know. Thank you.

Northern Beauty Seeker said...

I love the mercury glass and gourds on the sofa table. Very nice!

Michelle, All Home and Love said...

I enjoyed my tour of all your fall touches!! Everything looks great. And you reminded me that I have a mercury glass pumpkin here somewhere that I bought last season on clearance. Where did I put that pumpkin.....

Your home looks perfect for the season!

Anonymous said...

You have everything looking so good for Autumn! I waited a little too late to start looking this year and everything is almost gone and Christmas has taken its place! I'll just make do with what I have I guess! Thanks for the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Jackie, first, I forgot to tell you the other day how great your new header looks with your border - perfect match.
WoW! You really do decorate for fall and it looks beautiful. I can't believe HOW MUCH you do. Almost makes me want to dive in and do the same. I'm not much of a decorator but I do knock myself out for Christmas. Guess Bob would kill me if I had more for him to try and store in between holidays! ;-)

tina said...

Looks like you are ready for Halloween. A really good thing and a nice reminder for me to get to work decorating too. Love the lighted pumpkin and the color orange.

Phyllis @Around the House said...

Hi Jackie, love what you did with the mantle and I love the mercury glass, especially the acorn, I am very into acorns this year, don't know why...Love the pumpkins and the candle with leaves, hete in ca. I use alot of fake leaves as well...I am a new follower...come visit me some time...Phy7llis

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

It looks so pretty and cozy in your home! You have so many nice decorations. We've just gotten started decorating for fall and Halloween decor will be coming out of boxes soon. You've got some great ideas I just might use!

Queen B. said...

ok, um...i'm totally depressed after looking at that post !
I just DEEP CLEANED and ORGANIZED my home, and now my house feels totally NOT COZY after seeing all of those cute decorations !
I live by the ocean, so I have shells galore and one or 2 halloween decorations......waaaa...... I better go light a candle or something...........

Karen said...

Beautiful touches of Autumn! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Jackie, I love all your fall decorations. And your kitchen is so pretty. What a great space to be in!


Anonymous said...

Oh my word! What a stunning and beautiful home you have full of fun and intricate trinkets! I felt like I was walking through Martha Stewart's home! Thanks for the tour. It was beautiful!

Gail said...

Your fireplace is beautiful! Have you met Joy at Garden Joy For Me. She loves halloween and decorating for it as much as you! What a lot of fun. gail

sweetbay said...

Wow, you really went all out. It looks great. I *love* the mercury glass and the kitchen window.

Tootsie said...

well I for one am glad you get bored with the decor!!! you did an amazing job of fallerizing your place! it feels warm and wonderful and cozy now! can't wait to see what happens at christmas!

Dirt Princess said...

Ooooohhhhh! You know I love it! I totally re-decorate the house for every holiday! If I had a bigger house I would be dangerous! Decorating for each season just puts you in such a good mood, and gets you excited about it!

Linda Q said...

I am glad I am not the only one who likes to decorate for the holidays. Great job!
Warm and cozy place you have there.
I enjoyed the Fall tour!
Linda Q

Kathleen said...

Everything is so pretty Jackie. I love the mercury glass too. You have lots of great decorations in your beautiful home tho. I like the effect of the lights on top of the bookcases too. I need to remember to use them all year instead of just at Christmas!

Anonymous said...

An insightfull post. Will definitely help.Nice pictures.

George - Officetronics Clearance

Wren said...

Nothing better than pumpkins and acorns! Your place looks fantastic. I think I have just fallen in love with your sink... sigh..

Melissa said...

What a beautiful home you have! I love your fall touches~

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

You have a beautiful home...awesome mercury glass pieces you have...looking for some to add to my decor. Thanks for sharing with us.


Stacey said...

Jackie, it all looks great. All of your beautiful woodwork really jumped out at me this time. The mantel and the pretty looks nooks above the fireplace are neat. Love your beadboard too.

Carrie said...

Wow, you crazy americans do excel at the old holiday decor!! Fabulous splashes of colour everywhere I love it. May it give you and your guests much cheer of a cold Autumn evening x

Anonymous said...

Hi there....

I have that same mercury glass pumpkin upstairs in our bedroom and I just actually looked at that pillow at TJ Maxx and thought it was so pretty. I almost bought it. If you have a World Market by you, that is where I purchased my orange throw for $29.99. I love your black and white plates. Everything really looks nice. I so enjoy you stopping by:)


CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hey there fellow Halloween-Gal !!
I love your home : ) the decorations are so perfect every where you have touched. I can only try to do more with my "office" the kitchen and I have to "kitty-proof" what I do or my girls will wreck havoc on my Halloween booty ! haha .. loved seeing all of this and knowing some one else loves this season too !
Thank you !
Joy : )

Joanie @ The Bright Side said...

Hi Jackie! Thanks for stopping by and the kind words. Oh, my gosh I love your fall decorations! Your mantel and fireplace is soooo cozy! Everything is just wonderful. Your home is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

Pat said...

Cozy Country Comfort...I want your house !
Can't deal with a construction crew being here for weeks while I sleep(work nights)so my little house will just have to do.
Love the built-ins.

Shayna @ Texas Monkey said...

What a gorgeous home and amazing decorating skills. Thank you so much for sharing

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Oh Wow everything looks just beautiful!!! I love all your decorations!!!!

Erin said...

Okay, I confess, I'm such a slacker. Your autumn decor is absolutely gorgeous and I'm humbled by your creativity. Gorgeous, gorgeous job without being "too much". I just love it.

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

What a fun house tour! Every room you showed us looks lovely. Your fireplace is beautiful. I bought a few mercury glass pumpkins this year, too--love 'em! :-)

Willo said...

It's my first time visiting and your home is beautiful! I especially love your kitchen and sink!