Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ode to Vintage

Faded and chipped paint.
A little rusty around the edges.
You sound a little bit like me.
Is that why I'm drawn to thee?

But underneath the time worn surface,
there is still a vibrancy of color.
As butterflies flutter against a dazzling red,
a burst of flowers spring up from their bed.

You may be past your prime and so may I,
but we've both done much, been loved much.
For nothing new has beauty like this.
Only time can carve out such bliss.
-- By Jackie


  1. Oh, that is such a sweet find. I love the color and all the sweet flowers on it.

  2. That is adorable ... great treasure.
    Have a wonderful week. TTFN ~Marydon

  3. Oh My...super lovely! And lovely writing...! It is super charming!

  4. Adorable. It reminds me so of vintage designs on sand pails, lunch boxes etc. and I LOVE butterflies!

  5. The pitcher is charming. Like the poetry too. A really nice post.

  6. Is it a watering can? Love it!

  7. Love the poem and that is a beautiful piece! Like a fine wine, we get better with age. That's my motto.

  8. Hi Jackie~~ So THIS is why I'm drawn to all things rusty and chipped and faded...because I am! Love your poem and your find.

  9. Very nice Jackie, great poem too!


  10. Love love love love love it, so sweet, I want one too!! x

  11. This is a fun vintage peace - my friend Ann collects vintage Asian tea cannisters - have you ever seen them - very interesting. Jennifer


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