Monday, December 14, 2009

Doggie Hang Over

Here's Ellie recovering from a doggie hang over. It's just how I feel right now.

It's Christmas time and our weekend was packed with over night travel to another state to attend a company Christmas party, a visit to Andy's college friend, and then a long drive back home to Massachusetts to go to yet another party. We took Ellie along with us everywhere and by yesterday she was completely wiped out from way too much stimuli - dealing with a hotel room, long drive in the car, several new doggie friends, and far too many people who thought she was the cutest thing on earth in her little red holiday sweater. Phew!! I sure wish I could just shut down for a day to recover like she did... ahhh the life of a dog!


  1. Cutiest little thing. I try to take relaxation tips from maggie, dogs really know how to chill after a hard day xxx

  2. Sounds like you, hubby and Ellie Mae are staying real busy. I know what ya mean about the hang over part though. All I did this weekend was fix dinner for Mom and the kids and Grandkids and I was whooped. Actually, Bob fixed dinner, I was playing beat the clock to finish up all of the boxes and boxes of decorations laying all over the floor.

  3. Lucky dog has it good! Cute ...

    Merry Christmas, TTFN ~Marydon
    **NEW BLOG**

  4. How Cute! Doggies can make rest look so good, can't they???

  5. If only I could rest like that too!

  6. How cute! That's probably how a lot of us are feeling now. Lucky you can bring her with you and that she travels so well.

  7. It's my first visit, Beautiful post.
    I am in need of folloeres. Merry Christmas.


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