Friday, December 4, 2009

Indoor Bulb Beauty

One of the joys of winter indoor gardening is watching forced bulbs bloom. I love all the different unique containers that can be used and how beautifully you can decorate with them. While I'm still waiting for my amaryllis to bloom I did some poking around cyberspace to get some inspiration. I hope you enjoy these beautiful pictures and get some ideas too.

Photo credit: Country Living

Photo credit: Country Living

Photo credit: Jackson and Perkins

Photo credit: Good Housekeeping

Photo credit: Country Living


Kathleen said...

These are wonderful ideas Jackie. Great finds while you were poking around! I definitely need to find some more interesting containers for my amaryllis.
So sorry to read that you're sick. I hope you are on the mend very soon.

Carrie said...

yes best wishes for a speedy recovery. Some day I too shall grow pretty flowers inside my house and try my hardest to be a little bit as stylish as your photos - gorgeous

Carrie said...

P.S. Love the new background - I really ought to get a more wintery one! Exciting

Anonymous said...

I love all the pictures. Just looking at the creative ideas to bring flowers into the home during winter makes me feel good! I sure hope you are feeling better today. Take care.

Victoria said...

Simply stunning and beautiful!Wonderful post!

sweetbay said...

Ooo, I really like the Amaryllis in the second picture. Such lovely shading of color. I actually like the fragrance of Paperwhites (some of them anyway), but my husband doesn't like it. They're so pretty in any case.

I hope you are starting to feel better.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Great ideas! I'll have to store these away in my memory for next year.

Anonymous said...

Well if we just aren't a pair of sick-o's. I had the crud twice too. Lung infection and then either pnemonia or bronchitus - don't know was scared to go back to the Dr. knowing he'd stick me in the hospital again. But I had antibiotics here for pnemonia he had just given me so I was taking them. FINALLY doing good now.

Those are some fantastic pictures you got there. Sure are a welcome site after the cold weather we're having here.

Hope your doing better now - I know strep is a bear - the ONLY time I ever got to go to Reno I got it and spent the evening laying on the lounges they have in the bathroom with cold wet paper towels on my forehead.

Glad you are at least in good spirits!!!

Teresa said...

Such great ideas. I am forcing some bulbs and they are already growin well. Glad you are feeling better.

Darla said...

Not too good with indoor gardening, do hope you are feeling better!

lynn'sgarden said...

Nice pics, Jackie...I want that garden table! My amaryllis(es) are only inches out of the a lonnng way to go...good luck with yours ;)

Stacey said...

Hi Jackie. Are you feeling better now?

Your bulb pictures are very pretty. I haven't forced bulbs in a long time. Need to do that. Flowers would be welcomed in the winter time.