Thursday, February 25, 2010

Rhode Island Flower Show

A visit to the Rhode Island Flower Show last weekend got me in the mood for spring.  Going to a flower show always makes my head spin putting me in a kind of gardening coma! There is so much to see, smell, and touch that it's overwhelming - it's quite a sight with me drooling over the plants, talking to myself, and scratching my head thinking... "how did they do that!"... while my poor Andy tags behind wondering if we'll ever go home. 

My blogging friend Tootsie suggested I link this up to Fertilizer Friday.  Please check out her wonderful blog - Tootsie Time!

Hope you enjoy the pics! (Wish they were better but the lighting is never the best for picture taking at these shows.)


























Finally a pic of Andy and I....  I hate having my picture taken but I think this one is cute because of the heart shaped rocks above us. 



CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Great pictures!!!! I loved them all! Thanks for sharing!

Northern Beauty Seeker said...

Jackie, what a fun looking exhibit! I would totally find this show so inspiring. I love the swan!

BTW, you and Andy look adorable in the heart rock...what a sweetie for tagging along :)

Carrie said...

Oh it looks heavenly and if those pictures aren't that good due to the light, may goodness!!! I've never been to anything like that and boy I think security would have to drag me out at closing time (though they'd have to find me first!). What a great day and a gorgeous photo at the end (I bet Andy liked it a bit, really).

sweetbay said...

Beautiful! I like the bird on the Volkswagon van, for a touch of whimsey. Andy looks happy in the picture, was that at the beginning of the visit or the end? :)

Bonnie said...

What a great show. Love this post! Thanks for sharing these photos.

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Hi Jackie,
What great fun for you!! The pictures are great! The more I look forward to spring,the more snow we seem to get! Your husband seems like a great guy,like my husband. They go and rarely a complaint.Hope you're not getting hit with too much snow!At least the Garden shows are starting to pop up so that's a good sign. Smiles

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great time - very nice pictures. Hey you two look great in the last one. You should enlarge it and get it framed - it's so neat with the heart in the background!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie~~ The picture is cute because the people in it are cute! "A gardening coma," so that's what it is! Thank you for putting into words the mysterious malady [or not] I fall victim to whenever "plant" and "sale" and "nursery" are used in the same sentence. Nice photos. It must have been really fun.

Tootsie said...

you should link this to FF!!! the photos are all just gorgeous...I wish I could attend something like this...I wonder if there are in around here...more than likely I miss them if they have them in the spring...what a fun thing to attend!

tina said...

Your pictures are always wonderful Jackie. It seems like only yesterday you were posting about flower shows-has it been one year already? I am surprised by how many sheds and hardscape items are included in the gardens. It seems like a common theme. I go to our Lawn and Garden Show this Thursday and will be curious to see if it has as much. Beautiful ideas and I'm getting some good ideas for my garden too. Great shot of you and Andy.

Ellie Mae's Cottage said...

Thanks everyone for the nice comments about the pic of Andy and I. I'm thinking of framing it.

Tootsie, thanks for the suggestion to link up to FF! I just did!

Happy Weekend everyone!

Ellie Mae's Cottage said...

Tina, thanks for the nice comment! I haven't been blogging a year yet, but it will be soon. April is my blogiversary! The other flower show I posted was in Newport, RI, which occurs in June. Can't wait for that one this summer! In the meantime, the Boston flower show is next month so I'm anxiously waiting that one too!

Darla said...

Makes you want to get out there and turn that soil!!