Saturday, February 27, 2010

Well it's better than snow!

The latest big snow storm that has been barreling through the northeast missed us.  We've had mostly rain... although today there were a few snow flurries out there.

Although Ellie is not a fan of either snow or rain (just like her Mom), she hates snow more because she's so little that she can barely walk through it.  Well, that may be debatable.... just check out that miserable look Ellie is flashing me as she stands outside in the rain while wearing the cutest yellow dog slicker ever! Poor baby!

Here's another picture from the flower show to remind me that spring is just around the corner.  Hope you are warm and dry wherever you are today!


  1. Ellie looks so cute in her slicker!

  2. Spring will soon arrive and bring excitement as it always does... ~bangchik

  3. Jackie, Good ole rain. Don't you love it? It might be miserable but you don't have to shovel it.

    Ellie is a cutie pie all decked out.

  4. OMG! Would I look so cute in a yellow raincoat?!

  5. G'eve Jackie ~ That is the most adorable pooch in that slicker! They don't get any cuter!

    Have a wonderful week.
    TTFN ~Marydon

  6. Poor Ellie, maybe she needs some of those dog rain boots?
    Glad that storm missed you.

  7. Could she be any cuter. Not many could pull off the bright yellow slicker photo. She is gorgeous. Those flowers are so pretty. I am off to the philadelphia flower show on Friday. Can't wait.

  8. so cute, yes, but so sad at the same time "why mommy, why? and all those people getting to see the photo too!" haha x

  9. Great photo, I'm waiting for my clivia to bloom, I finally broked down and ordered a yellow one.


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