Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Signs of Spring

Last weekend we had beautiful weather to usher in spring in New England.  Our garden is always slow to awaken.... seemingly slower than even my neighbor's gardens.  I think because most of our yard is partial shade to shaded that we seem to be a bit behind everyone else around us.  This makes for a challenge to grow veggies and flowers with so little sun, but I keep trying!

The crocuses came up for the first time last week... (told ya things were slow in our yard).  I was surprised to see a bee on one - not a honey bee but a pollinator indeed!

Crocus are some of my favorite flowers. They bloom for such a short period of time, but always bring a smile to my face after a long winter.

I didn't plant any of the crocuses in my yard... they are all completely naturalized. Every year there are a few more and it's always so exciting to see them popping up in so many different places.

Some daffodils are coming up too.  They haven't bloomed yet in my yard although my neighbor's across the street has finished blooming.... her yard is in full sun all day.... hate her!  Ok, only kidding....

The grape hyacinths I planted in the fall are also popping up. Can't wait to see them in full bloom.

Finally a tulip shoot! I planted close to 50 bulbs last fall, but sadly only a few are popping up. We had such a harsh winter and I'm not sure if I planted them deep enough... well live and learn.

I put out most of the houseplants outside for a breath of fresh air and to soak up the warm sun. These are only some of my houseplants - I've got over 20 inside the house.

For some reason the schefflera really suffered this winter. It lost most of it's leaves, but has settled down and is coming along nicely. I leave it out all summer and in winter take it in. It usually has no problem adjusting, but this year it really struggled.... kind of feels like I did all winter.  ....notice the lovely garbage pail sitting on our porch... at least it's not bright blue and thankfully it's only there in the winter! Hubby doesn't always win! Tee Hee...


  1. Plants we have been putting effort and time with pruning, and fertilizing may not necessarily be able to outclass the natural free growing crocuses. Or should we begin to view garden in the light of crocuses?..... ~bangchik

  2. BEAUTIFUL! Your crocuses are inspiring and gorgeous! What wonderful signs of Spring..fabulous!! Happy Spring!
    What a lovely post! Enjoy your new treasures!

  3. Those crocuses surely mean spring has sprung in New England. Won't be long now and everything will be popping out. I leave my houseplants out too. They love it so much. Good thing I can do that or I don't think I'd grow any. I think your tulips will show. They grow fine in Holland and the weather there is similar to yours. 50 will make a splendid show! I didn't plant any here so we'll settle for others.

  4. Crocus are lovely....your house plants look so healthy!

  5. Finally , we waited soooo long for Spring (or so it felt)!I just love the purple & lavender crocus. Happy Spring to you!

  6. Don't you just quiver with excitement seeing the first signs of Spring, knowing very soon you will be outdoors playing in the dirt.

  7. Such a thrilling time of year to see the first green noses poking thier way out of the earth - and crocuses! You have to smile when you see these :-)

  8. How nice your crocus naturalize like that. I like the white ones too ~ I don't see nearly as many in that color.
    Our spring feels really slow too. In fact I keep meaning to look back on my own blog to see what was blooming this time last year. I'm betting it was more than this year! We just need to keep being patient, don't we? Glad you had some nice weather. Hopefully there will be more and more of it.

  9. Hi Jackie~~ Interestingly, my pear tree blooms later than most. It's old and I'm not sure which variety it is.

    I bet by mid-summer you're really grateful for the shade you have. I know I am and I think my plants are too. There's always an upside. :)

    Your house plants look well loved.

  10. don't have any crocus...but they sure are pretty!!! great post!

  11. How pretty! Loving the first signs of the warm weather to come!

  12. Jackie, enjoyed my visit to your blog! I'm anxiously waiting to see my new tulips that I planted last fall. They are about 4" above the ground now. Your crocus are beautiful! I've never grown them before. Will have to give them a try.


  13. Your crocus are amazing. How exciting to see all the bulbs pushing through. I can only imagine what the next few weeks will bring.


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