Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Mother's Day to Mother Earth!

Spring is my favorite season!  Considering the fact that I love to garden so much it's pretty obvious why I love this time of year.  Although the beauty of the season is stunning, the reason I enjoy it so much is because of the fresh newness that it brings and promises of an abundant bounty that is yet to come.  This time of year allows me to dream, hope, and smile in anticipation of the growing season that lays ahead.

Each year as Earth Day rolls around I think about how beautiful nature is and how we as inhabitants of this planet have a responsibility to co-exist in harmony with all that is around us.  Unfortunately, as technology advances and as our lives become more complicated that becomes harder and harder to do.  Since we've all been preached to via the media and the Green Movement as to what we should and shouldn't do environmentally, I think we've all got a pretty clear idea as to what it means to be Green.  The challenge, however, is incorporating that way of living into our busy lifestyle - easier said than done. 

So, instead of writing a preachy blog about recycling and organic gardening, I just want to take this moment to remind myself and to my readers that on this day - such a special day for gardeners - stop for moment, relish in the glory of spring, breathe in the intoxicating smell of the soil on a rainy April day, and pay homage to our Mother Earth.  Treat her like she is indeed your mother and wish her a very Happy Mother's Day! 


  1. Ah Spring, the reason I got a cherry blossom tattoo on my wrist - to remind me, no matter the time of year, that there is always hope, always a chance for a fresh start xxx

  2. Jackie, thank you for this post! I wish every day was Earth Day. Love your tulips from the previous post!

  3. Spring is SUCH a lovely season! I agree 100%:)

  4. Jackie your red and white columbine just needs a touch of blue Lithodora blossom to become a patriot ensemble.

    As for the green movement, I'm afraid it's right up there in taboo land with politics and religion. Volatile subject but at least we're making progress.

    Good message, girlfriend. Enjoy the day and the gifts that are everywhere just for the looking. Have a great week.

  5. Well said. Your photos are lovely and your philosophy is sound. Happy Earth day and happy spring.

  6. Checking in to make sure you are ok, sweetie. Love the florals.

    Happy Mother's Day ~
    TTFN ~Hugs, Marydon

  7. Jackie, I'm just checking in on you. I hope things are going well and you are out in your beautiful garden. Busy, busy.


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