Monday, June 14, 2010

Yummy Swiss Chard

We've had a bumper crop of swiss chard this year.  I hope it keeps up because it's delicious and the plants are so beautiful.

I've never tried freezing swiss chard but I guess I could since it's similar to spinach and collard greens that freeze well after blanching and draining.  In the meantime I'm enjoying this nutritious green sauteed or with a little crushed tomatoes and some kielbasi.

First clean the greens really well and chop them into bite sizes.  I remove the stems and cook them first since they take a little longer.  You can cook the stems with the greens but by they time the stems cook the greens will get really mushy.

One of my favorite ways to cook them is by using an old Italian recipe that my grandmother and mother taught me.  You start by sauteing diced onions and garlic in olive oil.

Add some stewed tomatoes, sausage (or in this case I used kielbasa but you can eliminate the meat entirely), and the stems of the swiss chard.  Cook on low heat until the sausage is almost done and the stems are tender.  Throw in the leaves of the chard.  You will notice that greens cook down a lot so I always use more than I think I'll need.  Season with salt and pepper to taste and then add in a can of drained and rinsed white or red pinto beans (to stretch this meal add in 2 cans of beans - one red and one white).  Continue cooking until the greens are soft and sausage is completely done.

Before serving top with a little Parmesan cheese and grated mozzella.  Serve with garlic bread.  This one dish meal has a rustic taste that pairs deliciously with a robust red wine.  Enjoy!


  1. My friend grows swiss chard too and she says it's the best and that her kids eat it. I've yet to try it, but when I see your dish - my mouth waters.

    I hear you in your earlier post tic toc. The spring has been a little bit off, a couple of weeks or so according to neighboring orchards. And so, I feel a little bit off with my gardening too. Almost a little lost. Guess people ran off to the garden center and purchased vegs and flowers earlier than usual.

  2. Your swiss chard recipe looks yummy. I never thought of using tomatoes and beans. I have sauteed it with ham, bacon, or sausage...and garlic. It was new to us last year..and surprisingly popular at the markets.

  3. Yum! Eye candy for the garden and stomach candy for eating too! A perfect combination. It is a beautiful vegetable. I love growing chard but have never had any this pretty.


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