Friday, July 23, 2010

Today's Harvest and Veggie Garden Update

The vegetable garden is continuing to perform well this year.  The collard greens and broccoli finally finished producing last week and bolted so I I've got a few empty spots for some fall planting.  I've been regularly harvesting lots and lots of squash and zucchini.  There may be some vine borers in them at this point, but I'm not going to do anything about it since we've got more than we need.  I've been grating and freezing them for future bread making. 

I've also been grilling the zucchini and yellow squash as well as the broccoli (those are sweet potatoes and zucchini in the pic above - I didn't grow the sweet potatoes, but they were delicious grilled).  I coat the broccoli in olive oil, mix in some chopped garlic and salt/pepper, and let them roast for about 8-10 minutes.  The zucchini and squash I slice in circles and coat in olive oil with a sprinkling of Mrs. Dash seasoning.

Today I finally picked my green beans, cucumbers, beets, and cherry tomatoes.  Only 2 orange cherry tomatoes but with 16 vines of all different varieties of tomatoes there are probably 50+ more starting to ripen  (waiting is such anticipation!). 

The eggplants and sweet peppers are doing well and I've got many in all stages of development.  I think for both of these I'll be harvesting some next week. The swiss chard is still producing but starting to look tired.  I'll probably pull them out and sow some new seeds for a fall harvest. 

The purple cabbage is almost ready to be picked as well.  Leaf loopers finally got to them, but I've been hand picking them off with success so I opted not to spray.  The outside leaves don't look pretty but the inner cabbage is fine.  I planted carrots late so they are just tiny seedlings now but doing really well.  I think I'll sow some more for a late fall harvest as well. 

Finally the potatoes are blooming but I never hilled them.  I know I should have but I've been too busy.  I noticed a fingerling potato popping through the dirt so it will be green and probably not edible. I need to get out there to hill the rest before the harvest is a total bust.  Don't we all wish we had more time! 


  1. Wow, your harvest is speeding along. I don't have anything ready to pick yet, but should be able to get a zucchini within a day or two. My tomatoes are still pretty small, nowhere near ripening.

    I love grilled asparagus, and I make them much like you grill your veggies - brush with olive oil and dust with lemon pepper. Must try zucchini that way - don't know why I've never thought of it!

  2. Hi Jackie, Although I don't do much veggie gardening I think veggie plants are as pretty as any flower. Your cabbage is great case in point.

    I love roasted veggies and these look delicious.

  3. Your harvest is looking good especially the beans. My beans got problems in there sizes. They are too tiny to have big beans. I wished that my second attempt in growing beans will be successful.

  4. Your veggies look a bit like mine, here in western NY. Nice pics.


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