Sunday, April 26, 2009

Keeping the Neighbors Happy

I kept the neighbors happy. I did some yardwork today (*sigh*).

The other day while procrastinating about doing yardwork, I came across this quote from L. Michelle Tullier in her book "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Overcoming Procrastination."

I couldn't agree more!

Since, I'm an seasoned procrastinator I kept myself busy for a few hours today potting up some pansies...

Taking pictures of spring blooms...

...And watching the peony shoots (yes I actually watched them... afterall it's better than yardwork).

Then I finally caved in. Maybe it was my neighbor's glare as she saw me in the driveway snaping pictures, crouched down watching peony shoots... Or maybe it was the fading daylight... But I some how ended up with a rake in my hand as I turned to see my neighbor smiling from ear to ear.


  1. This is cute! You are a very good writer. And I really like the difference between yardwork and gardening. Yesterday for me was a gardening day-so nice to move things around snap pictures and play in the dirt but you know it seems I spend most of my time on that lawn. And I rake too! I hope you got it all done and the neighbors are most happy. They should be with those sweet pansies out front. That's a pretty big peony. What color is it? I love peonies and hydrangeas. I just noticed your header pic is a hydrangea. When I went to Maine last fall we stopped in MA at a Home Depot and there were a ton of hydrangeas on sale. I was quite happy! You guys have some nice ones up there. Better than here. Now look at me, I'm rambling. Have a good day.

  2. Darn neighbors anyway! I don't enjoy the yardwork part either, I love the garden part. Great distinction!

  3. Such a cute post;-) There truly is a distinction! But a lot of things that 'the neighbors' consider yard'work' is just plain fun for me!Although, snapping photos, planting new plants, transplanting plants, sitting on a bench taking it all in, still much more fun;-) Happy gardening!

  4. I look forward to your peony blooms!
    Hopefully we all have fun in our gardens, despite the endless tasks. :-))

  5. I can walk by the new shoots a number of times a day, and still bend down each time to study them, note their progress, and check out the colour changes. Then, of course, you have to take pictures. It's fun to keep track of the spring changes, delighting in each sign of growth to come.


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