Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ignorance Is Bliss

Beginner's luck? Ignorance maybe? Whatever it was it produced this.

And, this....

And, this....

And, this....

Well, it could have produced more of this....

But some stealthy little ninja mammal (still unknown) knew EXACTLY when they were PERFECTLY ripe and dined on them before we could pick them! (Which drove Ellie's Dad crazy -- like in Caddyshack crazy.)

Being that it was my first vegetable garden I didn't know the "rules". Having no rules meant I could plant veggies wherever and however I wanted to.

So, that being the case I planted them along the fence in our backyard (sorry for the poor quality pics--it was an old camera).

And, in a small patch of very rocky and sandy soil near the deck.

And in a partially shaded patch under a rhododendron tree (sun-loving tomatoes planted there no less).

With no rules I didn't have to worry about making the bed (well I never worry about that anyway). So instead of a raised bed I just mixed in some compost and horse manure with our existing soil and stuck the seedlings in the ground. With this approach the only casualty of the summer was the yellow squash and zucchini due to vine borers (HATE THEM). I was probably the only person with a vegetable garden who was asking people to give her squash.

So, a year later, and with a lot of lessons learned, I now know the "rules." The "rulebook" says I should have some sort of designated beds this year (raised, wide, or otherwise) so I can do some sort of proper crop rotation. This means more work and more planning (or is that more procrastination). I hate rules! But, if I don't get moving on these beds my seedlings will take over the basement. Ignorance is definitely bliss...


  1. I kind of like the 'no rule' style of gardening. Forget about formal beds if you don't have the time. Just do it like you did last year. It looks so good and hey, gardening should be fun. You made it so with lots of beauty and functionality.

    The squash vine borers are like almost impossible to beat but a few tricks. Keep a watch at the base of the vines and when you see them chewed, get a sharp knife and slice open the vine, get the borer out try to put vine back together and I even cover it with a bit of dirt. Usually the vine may recover to grow and produce some more squash. Succession planting may help too. All else fails, Sevin dust helps.

    I think your little Ellie Mae is most cute.

  2. Forgot to say, I bet it is chipmunks eating your strawberries. They love them in my garden and nothing I do can dissuade these little varmits. Grrr!

  3. Tina, Thanks so much for such encouraging words! My job takes up so much of my time that it's often difficult to spend as much time gardening as I'd like. This weekend we are going to decide where the seedlings are going in. I'll post of some pics of what we end up doing. Wish me luck!


  4. Hi Jackie- I love your blog and I know others will too. I found a site called a few months ago and signed my blog up. Now I have lots of readers but the real wonderful part is that I have easy access to lots of other great bloggers and blogs. I was having trouble finding them before Blotanical. I am not affiliated with them in the business sense, I just love it and I think you might too! Tina is a member also. Shoot, they should pay me, haha :-D
    Just thought I would mention it! Your veggie garden is beautiful and I love that you have it built into your landscape and not the other way around. See, that is what I love about reading garden blogs, I find great ideas for mine.

  5. I lost you LOL kept looking you up at blotanical and kept bringing up your plot but no site. Finally old nimble brain remembered your site wasn't showing and you were under my bookmarks. I know I have your site faved on blotanical - oh this is just too much for my old head!
    The garden is lovely! It looks so nice and orderly. We use to have one every year until we moved into the woods. We could have one now but kind of got out of the habit!
    Later - Linda
    Oh and thanks for the fav if I forgot to send the comment. I tell you my rememberER just isn't what it use to be!!!


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