Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I HATE Waiting!

I know how Ellie feels when she waits for us to come home from work.

I hate waiting... I've been stuck in waiting mode for almost 2 weeks now. Stuck without my own computer, stuck from veggie planting (I'm waiting for Ellie's dad to finish the raised bed frames, but he has a good reason not to... I've got a heart-warming story to tell, but I'm waiting to upload the pictures so I can post it), and now the hardening off process of my squash and cucumber seedlings got slowed down by an unusual cold spell we are having in New England (it was only in the upper 40s/low 50s during the past two days - BRRRR!) so I had to take them back inside.

My back deck is literally filled with veggie seedlings, pots of caladiums bulbs waiting to sprout, annuals waiting to be potted up, and several hollyhocks and foxgloves I purchased from Bluestone which need to be planted (I'd show you a picture... but I can't upload them without a computer - I'm acutally posting this from work... shhhh... don't tell...).

A friend saw my back deck the the other day and said it looked like a mini plant market back there. Well at the rate I'm going, I might as well sell them since they may never get planted in my garden. Anyway, the plan this week was to do a little planting every day after work and then finish up this weekend. But cold rainy weather stopped me in my tracks. This weekend we've got family commitments and a party to go to. Boy has May been a busy month for us (I love all the invitations, but don't people realize I've got some gardening to do! ... just kinding of course!).

Hmmm.... I'm not feeling so well... maybe I'll call in sick from work tomorrow - it's supposed to be a lovely, sunny, warm day.


  1. Hi Jackie, it's been cold down here in NJ too the last few days. My peonies are holding on as long as it doesn't rain hard. Don't worry yours will bloom..and you will get to enjoy it longer (looking on the positive side). I have annuals to do too!! Yep, a nice weekend forecast so we'll get lots done. Hurry and get your computer fixed...I want to hear about that story!

  2. Hey.
    I love the picture of Ellie waiting for you to get home. I want to hear a story too. Computers...I just want a new one. A laptop so I can sit and watch TV and blog at the same time. Like the kids do, you know. ...or go to bed and blog. But then these old eyes probably couldn't see what the fingers were saying. Have hard enough time with this thing. LOL. Ohh caladiums. I haven't bought any yet. I love them.

  3. It is hard to wait to get in the garden. It seems like the weather is nice on the days you're busy and rainy or cold on days off. Hope you get some gardening time in soon.


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