Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Who's Repairing My Computer? must be this little fella cause it's taking way too long!

I haven't blogged in a while because my computer is in the repair shop and has been for almost 2 weeks now. I was using Ellie's dad's computer but now that is on the fritz too... jeez just our luck we are going into computer withdrawal at our house. The only computer access I have right now is at work and the tiny little screen on my blackberry - get out the reading glasses!

I've been doing lots of gardening and have pictures of a really heart warming project we did last weekend, but alas those pics are stuck in my camera until we can get a computer to download them too. I'm hoping later this week we'll get back online and I can do some posting.

Wish us luck cause I think we'll need it -- otherwise we'll be dipping into our savings to buy a new computer and I'd really rather spend money on the garden.


  1. That a cute repair man you have there. Too bad about your computers, I just bought a brand new one only because I needed more memory. Good Luck!

  2. It's horrible when this happens. Mine was in for a good chunk of money only to get it home and it really isn't that much better. I know it's old and I need a new one but I'm with you and think of all the flowers that could buy. But on the other hand if I don't have it I can't blog anymore. Hmmmmmm.
    Well, we miss ya so hurry back (like you have a choice). ;-)

  3. Good luck getting it fixed. We all go through it and what a pain!

  4. Oh no! Love the picture! Best wishes getting back on line!

    PS- get a mac.
    : )

  5. Hope you get it fixed soon, I miss your posts :)

  6. Cute Kitty Computer Tech!
    Sorry to hear that your husbands computer is on the fritz now too! Geez. I just had to have the refrigerator repairman out. Must be a bad month for electric stuff. No plants this month for me! Hope yours gets fixed asap!!!
    CiNdEeS' GaRdEn

  7. Thanks everyone for such nice comments! I miss blogging too! At least we finally got hubby's computer up and running so I'll be able to do some posting again. I have limited time on his computer though since he uses it for his business. I may end up buying a new laptop... we'll see... I'm pricing things now.

  8. So that's where you've been. Hope everything works out!


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