Monday, May 4, 2009

In Honor of the Fish!

One of my favorite organic gardening products is fish fertilizer.

Ellie's dad is not so keen on it because of the fishy odor it leaves right after it's applied, but that quickly goes away once it dries. In the veggie garden I apply it once a week with a hose attachment. In the perennial garden I don't use it as often, except for mid-summer when everything seems to need a little bit of boost. I also mix up the concentrated form and use it in the container plants, which seems to help things bloom a little better.

We live on the South Shore of Massachusetts and are close to the ocean, which means that we are lucky enough to have access to the beauty of the seaside as well as all that wonderful fresh fish that is caught not too far from here.

Here's Plymouth Beach not too far from our home.

Even Ellie loves the ocean and we take her for walks on the beach quite often in the warmer weather.

In honor of fish fertilizer I cooked up some fresh haddock that I got a local fish store. It's an easy recipe. I dipped the fish in an egg wash and then coated it in a mixture of plain breadcrumbs, Mrs. Dash seasoning, fresh parsley, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. I then ligthtly coated the bottom of a baking dish with olive oil and placed the fish inside. More olive oil gets lightly sprinkled on top for flavoring as well as the juice of a half lemon. Bake covered at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until breadcrumbs are golden and fish flakely.

All prepped and ready to go in the oven.

For a side dish, we had warm red potatoe salad. The potatoes are in a dressing of olive oil, red wine vinegar, chopped fresh garlic, fresh parsley, and fresh rosemary. Actually the potatoes are better the next day cold after marinating.

Here's the finished meal staged for the blog (I said staged because we don't really eat like this).

Here's where we usually eat...

...with our bums on the sofa facing the TV... Yup, wish I could say we didn't, but I'm being real here.


  1. The beach is beautiful. Ellie is one lucky dog! Happy gardening.

  2. I am so hungry for your kind of dinner. What a nice arrangement. I love fresh fish. How great to live so near a major source.

  3. That dinner looks yummy! Fresh haddock is very good! And hey, keep it real-why not? Nothing wrong with eating on the couch.

  4. I love freshly caught fish of all kinds. How nice to be living so close to the ocean beach, we live on Puget sound so we don't get the surf like you do.

  5. Oh, that does look good! We might just have to have fish too! I like to use the pond water from our fish pond to water plants sometimes!

  6. Looks like you have the Red Sox game on tv -- Yay! I see you live by the ocean, too!


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