Sunday, May 3, 2009

This Is Never Good...

I hate having one of those weeks... I'm sure you know what I'm talking about... When lots of cruddy little annoying things happen (nothing earth shattering thank goodness) that make you want to close your eyes and wait for next week.

Well the other day I drove up my street, turned into my driveway and saw this...

Honestly, my first reaction was to turn around and head back for work. I figure that dealing with my ornery client had to be better than whatever Ellie's dad was digging up.

As I looked at our version of The Big Dig (New Englanders will know what I'm talking about)

....I couldn't for the life of me figure out how on earth he could have dug such a large hole by himself in the few short hours since he came home from work. Even Ellie had to get a closer look (and it was actually larger than it appears in the pics -- *sigh*).

Apparently last fall when tilling the garden bed, Ellie's dad hit one of the main sprinkler system lines. When he turned on the system for the first time of the season our version of Ole Faithful was born!

Although I'm happy to report that the sprinkler problem was fixed the next day, it was not the end of our headaches for the week. I won't go into the gory details, but last week also included a trip to the ER for Ellie's dad (thankfully nothing serious, but if your spouse ever walks through the door with a ski cap on his head during the middle of a heat wave saying, "I'm fine, it's only a little scratch," you may want to get the car ready for a drive to the ER.) You see this amazingly smart guy (with a degree in biochemical engineering no less!) was hiding a bandaged up 4-inch gash on his head that he acquired when a cabinet fell on him. The ski cap was his lame attempt at hiding the injury in hopes that I wouldn't notice and drag him to the hospital. Yeah I know... amazing logic!

Since the week ended with lots of rain and little opportunity to garden, I decided to pot up some seedlings. After over an hour of lovingly transplanting each of my babies into their new home, I proceeded to take the tray downstairs to the basement to go back under the grow lights. Then catastrophe happened... as I hit the bottom stair the tray collapsed under it's own weight and all the seedlings fell to the ground. Now this in of itself wouldn't have been too bad, but clumsy me in an attempt to save them slipped, fell, and landed smack on top -- crushing almost all of the seedlings I was carry to smitherins. Looking back it was a tad bit funny and would have made for some great blog pics, but obviously I wasn't in the mood to document the massacre!

The week ended like this....

That annoyed look on Ellie's face is due to the fact that she just had a bath (see the towel in the background) and reflects my sentiments of the past week exactly!

Anyway, I'm glad the week is over and it's time to start anew -- so I leave you on a happy note with one of my favorite little vignettes.

This small plant grouping makes smile every morning when I see it at the bottom of our stairs. 2 of the plants are on little vintage compote dishes that I found in a yard sale.

Ahhhaaaa.... now that's much better....


  1. Oh boy, bummer and double bummer. I do hope your husband's head heals well. Head cuts can be pretty dangerous.

  2. Bad's sure to be better this week! I had one of those weeks last month! Always better and funnier with a little distance! gail

  3. Wow, that is quite the week. Glad everything seemed to be okay in the end, except your poor seedlings.
    Hope this week is better and you can get out in your garden.

  4. Hello! I'm glad I came to visit. at least it's Spring. There's time to plant more seeds. :-) Your violet is is beautiful!

  5. I so know what you mean about a crappy week. No hospital trips for us but it seems like everything else has occured. Hope next week is better!


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