Friday, June 12, 2009

Fertilizer Friday

It's Fertilizer Friday! Yippee the weekend is almost here! Please join me and our host Tootsie over at Tootsie Time and enjoy all the wonderful blooms and lush greenary.

I gave my clematis a bit more fertilizer and I've been spraying it with Safer Fungicide. It seems to be recovering from whatever fungus it had. It dropped a ton of leaves, but is holding its own. I don't think it's as serious as wilt so I'm keeping my fingers crossed since it's still budding.

This lemon-lime colored dead nettle is one of my all time favorites in the shade garden. It doesn't produce much in the way of flowers except these little delicate purple buds, but I love the impact of the color in the dark shaded areas.

My iris is still blooming. Here are two different kinds. I wish I knew what variety they are but I don't since I inherited them.

Here's another unknown flower. It does well in part shade and its leaves reminds me of phlox but its flowers look more like bachelor buttons. If anyone knows what this is please tell me.

A pretty purple-pink spray of garden plhox.

Hardy geranium is so lovely in my cottage garden. Nothing seems to bother it and it blooms almost until frost. Love this plant!

I only have 3 roses and all of them are a problem for me. They are not disease or pest resistant, and I don't know the species since I inherited them. I have to really struggle to keep them going but one of the plants produces the most beautiful yellow blooms. I spray with all kinds of things and rose slugs just seem to get to it every year before I do. BT and spinosad works for the rose slugs but it's usually too late by then and the foliage is a mess. Inspite of everything I still have these lovely bursts of color, which makes me reluctant to pull it up.

I went out in the rain yesterday and staked up the peonies. It's not my best staking job but everything is up off the ground. Yeah!!! This plant is over 4 feet high and 4 1/2 feet wide. I'll get some more wide shots hopefully this weekend when the sun is out and more is in bloom.

Here are close ups of several different peonies I have around the garden beds.

Happy Friday everyone!!!


  1. Beautiful. Your peonies are spectacular, I have one and I am hoping to add more to my garden. Your yellow rose is a beauty, too. I know it doesn't seem worth it - but I'd be reluctant to pull that baby out, too. I am not sure what that pretty variety of flower is off hand, but I know that I have seen it before. What variety of clematis do you have? I need to replace one that I had for over 20+ years - that was undermined by a mole. Thanks for sharing. ~ Robyn

  2. Looks great around your place. Roses give me problems too.

  3. Those are the biggest, prettiest peony blooms! That one lavender plant is a mystery - I hope someone can tell us what it is.

  4. Beautiful Peonies Jackie, those lavender flowers sure looks similar to a lavender color corn flowers.

  5. I definitely need more peony! I love looking at blogger photos of flowers and plants because I can gat a better idea of what they will really look like.

  6. Peonies are such beautiful flowers. Your photos are gorgeous. I can't decide on getting a peony. My mother had them, and they are still there. I could propagate from them..but I haven't settled on the perfect place for it yet.

  7. Good job on staking the peonies! It is outstanding. I think your first iris might be a Louisiana iris or something, not bearded iris like the second. The pink flower is maybe ameria? Not sure. It's pretty. Or it might be corn flower like Outside in said. Love the peonies!

  8. I am glad you were able to get the peonies staked(-: They look beautiful! I love peonies too!
    Happy FF to you!

  9. Oh I am speechless everything is so pretty!!! thanks for joining in....
    what if you saved the eggshells from your cooking and broke them up into confetti size...sprinkled them around the roses...slugs hate them. I will look in my books and see what else I can find out! Thanks for the eye candy today...

  10. It's kind of fun having the inherited plants and trying to figure out what they are. The peonies are beautiful, they smell sooo good! Glad your clematis is doing better, it's a pretty one.

  11. Beautiful shots of all your flowers...Zoe sends hugs to EllieMae...

  12. Lovely! I still have to get out and re stake my peonies... yours look fabulous! Hopefully we will find out the name of our shared iris.

  13. Cathy S. and Tina, I think you are both right I'm pretty sure it's a corn flower. We refer to them as bachelor buttons here in New England, but it's the Centaurea cyanus (Asteraceae) species. I don't see the small pink ones very often which is why I wasn't sure, but after looking it up and comparing know pictures to my plant I'm pretty sure that's what I've got.

    Tina, Thank you for also identifying the Iris.


  14. Lovely flowers. Clematis like a bit of feed so I am sure they will do well for you.

  15. Beautiful peonies!! Your first iris (purple and yellow) looks like Loreley, and the second is a Siberian iris.

  16. Sort of poping by your page. A really nice visit, I must say. The first sight, your clematis, amazing and so also for the following pictures. All the best wishes from Norway.

  17. Your flowers look fabulous! Love the roses and peonies. Warm wishes, Esther

  18. Robyn, The clematis I have is called Josephine.

    Mia, thanks for stopping by all the way from Norway!

  19. Beautiful pictures. I love peonies, they are so lovely.
    Mine have not started flowering, but they are "just before". If only the wether could come with some sun and better temperature.

  20. I'm soooooo late but still battling this sinus infection and can't do even half of what I want.
    Your Peony is huge - all of the others are just beautiful. I don't think our light pink one is going to bloom - or my new one I planted last fall.
    I think sweet bay is right that second Iris looks like a Siberian to me too.
    Your Hardy Geranium is gorgeous - do you know the name of it?
    Everything looks wonderful Jackie.

  21. Flowers look beautiful. The peonies are just great. I love these Friday visits to see what everyone else has going on. Thanks for showing us and thanks for visiting me earlier.

  22. Jackie,

    It seems our iris name is Loreley! Thanks to Sweet bay!

  23. Oh my goodness. Gorgeous flowers. I. must. plant. more. peonies!!!!

    Everything is so neat and tidy. Just beautiful!

  24. Hey Jackie! Same issues here with roses for me...great blooms...ucky foliage! Your white peony is gorgeous! I'm going to divide my clump as somehow I have 15 pinks and only 1 white! Btw, I just saw your kitchen window that's a view even I wouldn't mind doing the dishes!


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