Thursday, June 11, 2009

On Garden Patrol

Ellie's all time favorite activity is patrolling the garden for varmits. It doesn't seem to matter what kind of varmit -- basically she'll chase anything with 4 legs (for that matter anything with 2 legs, a beak, and wings she will chase too!).

Ellie has a few places in the garden where she is sure to get in some good hunting. Under our deck, in the crevices between the rock wall, and near the firewood pile are apparently hot spots of small creature activity.

The area near our side shade garden is of particular fondness for her. I look at it and to me it's just a nice lush patch of green, but to her it's party central.

Right near this garden is big oak tree that both squirrels and chipmunks climb up. They dig in the garden and then make a beeline for safety in the tree. So I guess logistically it's perfect for them (I'm trying to think like a varmit I guess).

There seems to be one particular squirrel that isn't afraid of Ellie and instead usually makes chirping noises at her. He sees Ellie, runs half way up the tree just out of reach of Ellie and then taunts her.

See him here. He stayed in this position for quite some time - yelling at Ellie in squirrel speak and waving his little paws around.

Can't say I blame him because right below him was this.

Yup -- that's my devilish little terrier doing what she does best.


  1. Our mini doxie does the same thing to the squirrels and to our cats!!! It's funny to watch. Wouldn't life be boring without pets??
    Thanks for your visit. You have a very nice blog.

  2. Clearly keeps you on your toes!

  3. One day Ellie is going to get that pesky ole squirrel and teach it who's boss!

  4. The neighborhood squirrels used to taunt our Jack Russell Terrier too -- first by playing hide and seek *around* the tree, then climbing up out of reach.

  5. Squirrels are taunters...I had one in PA who would literally run up the side of my house and wag her tail to tease the dogs. Such a funny post!

  6. My dogs sure love to chase the squirrels too, funny post! you have to visit my other blog :


  7. Good job Ellie Mae. She needs to come by and give Gracie some lessons. She sat and watched as two squirrels ate out of the birdfeeders.

  8. Send her over here please. The deer have eaten my hosta down to the nub. Brave little buggers were munching along the south side of the house at dinner yesterday. At least then it was only the weeds...sigh..

  9. Koko loves to chase the birds out of the strawberries. Unfortunately she runs through the garden to do it, and grizzly the big foot follows. Very nice dog photos.

  10. That is exactally what Jack does too!!! LOL It is so funny to watch him chase the squirrels because I know he can't get one. Then he sits below the tree and barks at them and they yell back at him! He hates that! It is a terrier thing for sure! Can't help but love them for trying(-:

  11. Our dog goes around the deck sniffing. We think the opposum from last year is back. We also have squirrels that taunt her. One tried to do that with me today, at my garden across the street. I had to stand up to be taller, and throw a stick at it to get it to leave. They are getting to tame for me!

    You have a nice yard!


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