Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Best Laid Plans...

Sometimes the best laid plans don't allow time for us to deal with the unexpected. I'm not talking about anything major - just the little annoyances of daily life. It started out as a wonderful evening. The sun was shinning (3 straight days in row - a record for us!). I got out of work early so I could get a ahead start on some gardening and still have plenty of time to relax. Dinner would be a quick healthy meal using some fresh greens from the garden and grilled chicken. Before preparing our evening meal I sat down to my laptop in the dinning room to do a bit of garden blogging.

Then I walked into the living room and saw this...

There you see Ellie with a very annoyed look on her face. She's annoyed because she's got fleas and she knows that once I notice she's got them she'll be sitting in a flea bath. Unfortunately for her it didn't take me long to notice - the scratching and biting were a dead give away of course. Usually Ellie stays flea free with a monthly dose of Advantage but for some reason I missed applying the dose last month - which I didn't realize I did until I saw her scratching and went to check the calendar.

Well the evening that started off great ended up being a night of doggie bathing and general de-fleaing (I don't even think that's a word) of our house. Now I'm just as annoyed as Ellie and tired to boot.

Well tomorrow is new day - my plan for tomorrow evening - debugging the veggie garden. Now that's something to look forward to...*sigh*.


  1. It has been a bad flea year I hear. I seem to be bathing Jack more then last year. My normal drops are not working. I need to get the advantage and try that. Thanks for the tip(-:

  2. It HAS been a bad flea year. Poor little baby, she does look like she knows. lol. she's a cutie!
    ♥ Teresa

  3. Bummer on the fleas. Poor thing.

    Your dining room is really nice. That red stands out well with the hardwood floors.

  4. Life happens to the best of us unfortunately. Poor Ellie Mae. I think that our poor canines are so lucky to have something like advantage. My dogs get so annoyed when some six or eight legged creature bothers them. I just gave our dogs their monthly dose of heartworm prevention and Advantage. The mosquitos have been so bad, I have been worrying for them.

  5. We don't have fleas here but ticks are another gross story. Good thing for those Advantix and frontline products. Good luck, and sorry to Ellie~

  6. That's a precious pic of Ellie - what sweet eyes.

  7. Ellie is so cute, I always have to use Frontline on my boys every month. I like your dining room it's very charming.

  8. It's all the rain! The pests are proliferating. Ugh. Poor pup! Poor you!

    The sun has disappeared again today, but I'm clinging to that little cartoon sun on the forecast map for Friday. Hope we all get a little more of those rays. I love the shot of Ellie Mae's daddy enjoying the first rays. Oh, when we started seeing shadows again it was HUGE!

  9. That's hysterical how you managed to capture her discontent! She really did look annoyed!

  10. UGH!!! I hate fleas! We just put Advantage on Kiki. We can't put it on Tide yet because he is only 6 weeks old, and they have to be 10 weeks. He is staying inside until he gets bigger, so I give him a bath every week!

  11. Oh, fleas are terrible. Funny post though.

  12. It's all go isn't it and so many posts to catch up with if you miss a day.

  13. poor baby...she hates that! My dog hates bath day too!

  14. She's so cute and worth the trouble I'm sure. You reminded me that I need to go buy some Advantage!


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