Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fireworks on the Beach

We wrapped up our 4th of July celebration by seeing a spectacular fireworks display on Falmouth Beach in Cape Cod. The crowd there was huge. It was difficult to find a little bit of open sand in which we could lay down our blankets and enjoy the show. Finally we spotted an empty spot and got comfy with our family and friends ready to enjoy the show. We even took Ellie with us. She wasn't afraid of the fireworks, but the large crowd made her a bit nervous.

Me and Ellie enjoying a nice summer evening on the beach. See the crowd in the background.

Here's a picture of the restaurant that overlooks the beach area where we had camped out for the fireworks display.

A shot of the barge where they shot off the fireworks.

Then the music started playing and the fireworks show began. It was such an incredibly clear night that you could see the full moon in almost every shot off on the upper right side of the picture. The show was one of the best we've seen in years.


  1. Ellie looks adorable and your photos are wonderful, especially with the moon in the picture. The restaurant is lovely also. So glad you enjoyed the evening.

  2. Lovely pictures. I had to read this post when I saw the word Falmouth! :-) Val in Falmouth UK

  3. Great fun!

    Love the moon in the pics. It's such a nice counterpoint to the fireworks.

  4. Great pictures! I love fireworks. Looks like you got to see a really spectacular display!

  5. What a display! I am impressed. Ours is pretty small town but fun nonetheless. I usally watch from home as I can see them well without the crowd. Glad you had a good time!

  6. Great photos of the fireworks, Ellie sure looks like she's having fun.

  7. What lovely shots! Sure sounds like a wonderful relaxing time...

  8. So nice!!! This was the first time I didn't go down to the beach to watch fire works, oh well, maybe next year

  9. Looks great..and the restaurant looks

  10. Hi great Firework display and photos.
    I also had to read the post when it said Falmouth as the one in Cornwall UK issuch a lovely place.

  11. Great fireworks! Ellie looks as she really enjoys it.
    Our dog is really afraid of fireworks, so every New Years Eve is more like a nightmare. I am glad we don't have fireworks on our 17.May, only on New Years Eve.

  12. Oh, what a wonderful way to celebrate the 4th. I'm envious of being able to watch fireworks from a beach! (Landlocked that I am in colorado!) It looks like a great evening.

  13. I'm so glad you took photos of the fireworks display! What a great show! We enjoyed an impressive show, but we were also subjected to a Very Heavy Mist (as close as you could get to rain without it actually raining!) Needless to say, I didn't get photos. But I've really enjoyed Yours! :-)


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