Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy July 4th USA!

The sun is finally shinning! It's predicted to be a beautiful day. We are headed to Cape Cod to see family and then watch the fireworks go off at the beach.

Happy birthday America! Let's celebrate with some coconut cake.


Andy, Ellie Mae's Dad, was so excited to see the sun that he went outside and took this picture of himself.

I LOVE this man! He never fails to make me laugh!

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday!


  1. I love the picture of your husband! It sure does show how happy he is to see sun! Have a great day celebrating!

  2. Happy 4th to you, too, Jackie;-) Have a wonderful day with family!

  3. Have a great holiday! I can understand your husband's enthusiasm-we do this when it rains:)

  4. Jackie have a great July 4th. Val

  5. Happy 4th! don't forget to save me a piece of cake! ha ha
    glad the weather is better over there, now all the rain came over funny is that?

  6. I think he's smiling about that delicious looking cake!!!!!!!

    Enjoy the night - Happy 4th!

  7. The sun is shining, there is cake to be eaten - life is good for this man! :)

    Happy July 4!

  8. Who wouldn't smile, with sunshine and that cake??

    Happy Fourth to your family!

  9. Jackie, YUM is right! Coconut and two favorite food items! Hope you had a wonderful day in Cape Cod...please post some pictures!

  10. OH, great looking cake, yummy and what a happy hubby; you two are doing something right in your marriage!!! Hope you had a great day, though happy hubby AND cake - how could you not?! X

  11. THAT CAKE!!!!...oh, I'd love a piece of that now with my coffee...


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