Saturday, July 25, 2009

Still No Red Tomatoes!

After 4 days of rain I was finally able to go out and do some harvesting. Sadly I still have no red tomatoes. The plants look great with no signs of disease or pests - so that's the good news. The bad news is that we've had so many cloudy and rainy days this summer that the darn green tomatoes just aren't ripening due to lack of sun. Last year by now I had already been harvesting for at least 2 weeks. If I don't get a nice juicy, red freshly picked tomato soon I'm gonna go bonkers!

OK... enough about the tomatoes. At least I got a basket filled with some summer squash, zucchini, and lettuce.

And, another basket filled with bush beans and broccoli. I should get several more weeks of harvesting out of the beans I planted. And more happiness... the liatris in my perennial bed is so abundant I decided to take a few cuttings to enjoy indoors.

Yummy shallots - can't wait to cook these up with the summer squash and fresh dill.

To get myself out of a tomato funk I decided to do a little shopping. There's nothing like a great deal to raise my spirits. Look at this cute little aqua table I picked up for $12.00 at the Christmas Tree Shop. At first I put it outside in the garden.

But then I decided that I loved the color so much I brought it inside to enjoy (probably a wise move considering the current weather pattern we are having).


  1. That is an adorable table! Perfect with the bouquet sitting on top too!

  2. I love your floral arrangement. I enjoy bring flowers inside, too. Your broccoli looks wonderful.

  3. That's sad about your tomatoes but the other veggies look great. The liatris is so bright and cheerful in the vase and I LOVE that little table. The color and shape are nice and what a great bargain.

  4. The fruits of your labor look amazing!! Im jealous of your fresh yellow squash, one of my favorite ways to cook it is fried. MMMM! (I have to settle for store bought though) LOL!!
    Love love love the beautiful aqua table, gorgeous color!!
    ♥ Teresa

  5. You are harvesting so many veggies! They look great. It has been rough in New England with that low pressure system running right overhead. Bummer. But, if you want ripe tomatoes bring one or two in and put in a paper bag and they will redden up quickly. Taste good too.

  6. Hi Jackie! I don't have red tomatoes, too. We had great weather and some of them start to ripen. Cherry tomatoes are doing better. But look what you have already! Yum! And the blooms are so lovely! Thank you for commenting on my big fish. Can't believe I caught it. Now, I'm back to gardening and cleaning and washing and everything else. See you around!

  7. Adorable table! No red tomatoes here yet either, but that's okay for now. Having enough trouble keeping up with the beans and zucchini! Hope you had a sunny your wonderful yellow squash!

  8. Your bouquet is lovely. Even if you're not yet getting red tomatoes, it looks like your vegetable garden is a success! Your harvest looks wonderful.

  9. This year the weather is just strange, here in Chicago we've yet to have a full day of the sun since about over 2 weeks ago. All of my tomatoes are still green. Your bouquet is beautiful, love the table and chair.


  10. Wow! You could frame that pretty picture of the shallots. I'm jealous of your bounty.

  11. We call them Courgettes and this year Igrew some yellow as well as green ones I was surprised how different they taste.

  12. Yum! Nothing like home grown!
    That little table is so sweet, I love that store.


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