Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wine Tasting on a Rainy Day

What do you do after 4 days of rain, only a brief half day respite of sun, and then back to more cool misty weather? Well you go wine tasting of course!

Surprisingly, along the coast line of New England are quite a few local vineyards. It's not Napa Valley, but there are some really good local wines. Today we visited Newport Vineyard in Newport, Rhode Island. The winery, founded in 1978, is family owned. Paul and John Nunes, whose local roots date back to 1917, purchased the winery in 1995. Since that time, the winery has grown to 50 acres of varietal and hybrid grapes.

A colorful mural on the wall.

The fermenting vats.

The store and wine tasting area was packed today. I guess since we are not having beach weather everyone is drowning their sorrows.

Today we sampled 10 different wines (each of us tasted 5) from their nice selection of local vintages. I enjoy the drier wines while Andy's palette tends to prefer the sweeter ones.

The patio, which is usually filled with visitors, is empty since everyone is taking refuge indoors.

Off in the misty distance is a farmhouse peaking through the fog.

We wrapped up our day by having diner at Cooke House on the marina.

We sat in the lower level tavern. Our table was right by the windows.

In the lower portion of the photo you'll see a caution sign warning people to be careful of the slippery stairs, which are wet from the humidity of this foggy day.

I thought this room was so cheerful with the pink stripes. It's on the upper level of the restaurant and much more formal (with a different menu and higher prices there are far less people sitting up there).

The view from our table - it was like sitting right outside on the dock since the windows slide back into the wall. Even with the rain we enjoyed watching the boats come in and out.

I had the sea bass - it was delicious atop a celery puree with morels mushrooms.

Andy had the penne chicken with a creamy almond basil sauce.

With full bellies we went for stroll to look at the yachts. This one was huge and it was privately owned - by whom I don't know but it came with a large crew.

As the darkness of evening fell upon us I admired a gorgeous hydrangea (the picture below is untouched - it really was that color). If only there was more light I would have photographed the entire garden that was next to an old inn we happened upon. It was lovely and worth a return visit.


  1. These are absolutely beautiful photos. The scenery is just so lush and oh, your dinners look so good! Thanks for sharing what to me is so unique. Enjoy your week and I hope you get SUN.

  2. What a wonderful day! That food looks great! And it's neat inside the winery. We have one here in town but I've never ventured inside of it. Great photos.

  3. What a wonderful day, food looks yummy, wine and a beautiful Hydrangea, a great way to enjoy the rainy days.


  4. You sure made the most of a rainy day. It really is so pretty there. The view of the dock out the window is so charming. One day I hope to visit that part of the country.

  5. You did have a lovely day and the wine making sounded interesting.

  6. You sure found a great way to spend a rainy day!!!!

  7. You are right about the vineyards & the pics of the coast are gorgeous. I love it in New England ... the other breathtaking spot it Hudson Valley for vineyards ... gorgeous countryside. TTFN ~Marydon

  8. Wow what a beautiful place! Looks like ya'll had a spectacular time! I know I would have! Ya'll should have snuck up on that yacht and had a glass of wine with the owner!! LOL!!! Your hydrangea is beautiful

  9. That looks like a dreamy day to me! You live so far away from here and the pictures you are showing are the sights that we only see in the movies!

  10. Hi Marydon, I grew up in Poughkeepsie in the Hudson Valley area. It is so beautiful and they do have wonderful vineyards. I still think it's the prettiest place in the country, but then again I'm a little bias because it's home. -Jackie

  11. Jackie, What a great trip you had. Believe it or not, there are wineries springing up all over Iowa! :-)

  12. Sounds like a great day! I have never been to a wine tasting. Beautiful shot of the misty vineyard, and the dinner sounded wonderful.

  13. What a nice way way to spend a misty day. Great pics!

  14. Well, that sounds like my kind of thing to do on a raining, drizzle day. Everything look s beautiful despite the weather.

  15. What a lovely trip. I have always wanted to go wine tasting, but haven't had the chance. You took absolutely wonderful pictures!


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