Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Where's Waldo?

Let's play a game of Find Waldo.

Hmmmm.... What's outside my great room door?

A closer look and you'll see some leaves.

The leaves belong to a large burning bush that is right beside our deck and just a few feet from our French door.

Well nothing looks unusual here. But I hear something rustling around in there. Let's gently move some leaves.

How beautiful a robin's nest! The vivid tiny blue eggs in a color so perfect only Mother Nature could have created it.

The mama robin has been nesting for about a week now. The nest is very close to the outside edge of the bush and at eye level. I barely moved the leaves to get this picture and made sure I didn't touch the nest. Mama squawked at me the whole time so I quickly took the picture and retreated back in the house. I think she built the nest during a particularly rainy period when we weren't using the deck so she probably thought it would be a quiet location. Well surprise - with the weather being nicer the windows are now open and we are going in and out of that French door. At first mama robin flew off every time we even looked out the window. She seems to be a sensitive one and flew off when our TV was too loud. But now after a week of putting up with us she seems to be used to us and realizes we mean her no harm. We can now walk right by her and she doesn't fly away. She doesn't even mind Ellie hanging out on the deck! I think the eggs will hatch in about another week. How exciting it will be to watch the babies grow.

Let's see what else is in my yard....

Notice anything in this picture that doesn't belong?

Let's take a closer look. Can you see it now?

How about now?

Yup that's a rabbit hanging out in our lettuce bed.

This rabbit was quite large, but so very cute. I couldn't chase him away because his big brown eyes were adorable. As long as he doesn't dine too much I'm okay with him hanging around. After all I think there's enough lettuce for all of us! Bon Appetite little fella!


  1. Hi Jackie,
    Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my Blog!

    Your garden is absolutley gorgeous!!! The Robins eggs are beautiful and the little bunny is so sweet. I just love summer...

    Take care,

  2. what an awesome post! My baby robins have left the nest...they didn't care that I was constantly hanging around either!!

  3. Hi Jackie~~ Those eggs are the bluest of blues aren't they? Doesn't it make you feel kind of special when wildlife trusts you enough to set up shop? This is one of the things I love about gardening. Beautiful post!

  4. That's a beautiful view of nature out your back door. I could not have chased that sweet bunny away either!

  5. We used to see rabbits just like yours all the time in our garden, but not anymore. I think development drove them away. While I wouldn't like them dining on plants, it would be nice to occasionally see a little brown rabbit again.

    Always Growing

  6. I love the wildlife that comes to our gardens. You have captured and shared it beautifully.

  7. Hi Jackie, I'm so glad you came by to visit! I had to come take a closer look at that sweet pup of yours. Our Tucker looks just like that now, it was like looking at a picture of him! I know you can't tell by the pic on my blog but he has really changed.

    Your lettuce looks wonderful, I can tell the bunny thinks so too! :)

  8. Wonderful to watch the baby robins grow and fledge right outside your great room. A perfect blue too. Now on the bunny, cute or not it would have to go.

  9. If I were a bunny, I would want to be in your veggie garden, too. Your plants looks delish. We dont have any bunnies in our yard. I love the color of robins eggs. You got some great pictures.

  10. How cool is that? I love it when birds nest in my yard! We always hope and pray that the starlings don't find their nest before the babes have a chance to hatch out.

  11. How special the bird eggs are. Cute rabbit, even if he is drooling around your lettuce.

  12. How lucky to be able to see the eggs and nest. The birds usually use birdhouses here so we don't really get to watch them. I hope the cute bunny doesn't take advantage of your kindness :)

  13. You are such a kind person Jackie! Can I send my deer to you? After my roses and phloxes, your lettuce can be a real treat for him! Sorry, I am just very upset with him eating my blooms! I like your post, read it like a children's book!

  14. Lovely post hope you get to eat some of the lettuce too.

  15. Oh darn, I posted a long comment and just lost it...that's why I 'tested' it, above, to see if it would have shown up if it had gone through. I guess I'll re-write it...
    I just wanted to say that I enjoyed your post, and those eggs are such a lovely shade of blue. You're lucky to have them so close to you. I hope you'll show us photos when the babies hatch. Maybe you'll catch them with their heads bobbing up and down and their mouths wide open;-)

  16. You lucky girl! I love getting to watch those little birds hatch and then grow. The eggs alone are just gorgeous. You'll have to show us when the babies come.

    I have a friend who has basically made a pet out of a rabbit in her garden. She gives it apples and carrots and then it doesn't eat much in her garden.

  17. LOL, what a fun post - those bird eggs are beautiful!

  18. Wow, your like a Disney Princess who attracts all the wildlife because she's so lovely. Fabulous photographs, those eggs are too blue to be real!. I swear I couldn't for the life of me see what was wrong in the 1st pic of the second part of the story - but it's goregous, cheeky, but a gorgeous bunny wabbit x

  19. Those eggs are the most amazing colour, love the rabbit ;)

  20. I wish my bunnies even tried my lettuce - instead they went for my bush beans. The ones in the middle of the rows! They don't seem to be releafing - so I'm going to need to reseed there.


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