Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Season of Change

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."
by Albert Camus

With summer's passing comes autumn. Reminding us that change is constant. As the fall season dazzles us with its flush of vibrant colors I am reminded that life is a cycle with no end. What dies will soon be reborn again into another shape, another form.

This past summer was not what I had hoped for in both the garden and in life outside of the garden gate. The weather was a challenge for even the most seasoned master gardener and for me the novice it was a time to learn and to be patience.

As summer ended with the passing of 2 people I loved dearly the garden became a metaphor for what I was experiencing in life. As the flowers began to fade so did the leaves on the trees - turning from a soft, subtle green to a crispy golden yellow. The vegetable garden brought forth its final bounty as the once lush vines of squash shriveled back into the earth.

For me autumn always brought me a tinge of sadness. Even with its beauty I was always reminded that the long, dark, cold winters of New England were just around the corner. But, this autumn I seem to have a new perspective. Happy to say goodbye to the trials of this past summer I'm looking forward to the clean slate that winter will bring. Cutting back the dead stems in the perennial bed and cleaning out the vegetable garden has been cathartic for me. This winter will provide a must needed respite as I look forward to a new day, a new year, a new spring.

For now I will relish in the crispness of the autumn air. I will enjoy the sounds of leaves crunching beneath my feet and the wafting scents of burning wood, harvested apples, and homemade pumpkin pie.

Instead of this being the end it will be the start of a new beginning. A spring of sorts in its own right as life sleeps for a while in preparation of its rebirth.


  1. The passing of the seasons is an especially poignant time for us all. You've had a hard time this year but the best thing about life is that it always gets better and there is next year in the garden to look forward to.

  2. These are all beautiful pictures and bring fond memories of Autumn's gone by. With time, the passing of loved ones gets easier to bear and the changing seasons remind us of cherished times shared with those we love. Praying that you will be surrounded by peace and fond memories.

  3. This is lovely, Jackie. Autumn makes me a bit sad, because I know it means I must say goodbye to those summer days and bright flowers. But it is true, it will all be back! It's the circle of life, the natural progression of things...life, and death. I feel the same way about my garden--it IS a metaphor for what happens in life. Your photos are stunning...that moon shot, in particular! Love the apples, too. Every day is a new day...enjoy those autumn goodies while you can. I'm starting to be motivated to do the same, after reading your post. Until now, I've been 'fighting off' accepting that autumn is here!!

  4. Hi Jackie~~ So sad about your passing loved ones. Your photos are beautiful. Ooh, those apples...ah, that moon...wow, that Gerbera. The leaves don't impress me though. Not when I think about the work involved in raking the foliage of three towering Sweet Gum trees. Wah, listen to me whine...LOL

  5. Wonderful pictures and I love the new blog design too.

  6. What a beautiful quote and beautiful post. And a wonderful outlook on life too. I love your descriptions of what makes autumn wonderful and the pictures of the autumn leaves, the apples, and full moon.

  7. Nice sentiments, Jackie! Yes, new seasons bring the anticipation of starting over (in and out of the garden) but also gives us time to heal from past seasons pain. Lovely photos...that's ALOT of apples!

  8. Congratulations on your Blotanical Win I'm so glad you wonI love your blog. ~ hugs, Cherry

  9. I can only imagine how beautiful it must be there now, and I am sure the weather is great. Your photos are gorgeous! I hope you are doing well!

  10. What a great collection of Fall photos! And congratulations on your Blotanical Award! :-)

  11. That is a very nice picture of apples in crates. All your pictures are interesting. Autumn is my favorite time of year. I like that every leaf is a flower.

    Congrats on your blotanical.com award.

  12. I love autumn! It's my favorite time of year. Your pictures give a nice look and feel for fall! Congratulations on your win at Blotanical! That's awesome.

  13. Jackie,congratulations on your award! I am happy fore you! Many years of happy gardening and blogging!

  14. Very lovely moving words and photos ... the apples and the moon! What a picture ... you have an amazing view of the moon. Sorry about your friends... Congratulations on your win! I know what you mean about being surprised... someone wrote me too and I told her she must be mistaken as I rarely go there. So much time spent on the computer. Early morning and later today I have tried to step up my presence at Blotanical since someone was kind enough to nominate my blog.

  15. What a great new perspective Jackie. I share the one you used to have, which means I dread the upcoming winter. I should try to turn my outlook around too, it would be much healthier. I love your photos. The one of the moon is just stunning.
    Congrats on your award.


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