Monday, September 28, 2009

A Visit to the Knob

This past Saturday would have been J.P.'s 80 birthday. Although he is only with us in spirit now the family celebrated his birthday by visiting some of the places he loved the most - the ocean front on Cape Cod with spectacular views of Nantucket sound and its cliff side lighthouses.

On this day the air was crisp and clean with scents of autumn and the saltiness of the Atlantic ocean. Not a cloud was in the sky as we made a pilgrimage out to the Knob on Quissett Harbor in Falmouth, Massachusetts to pay tribute to the man we loved so much.

At the bottom of the cliff on the Knob 2 fishermen were casting their lines hoping for a good catch. The view is so magnificent that I don't think they really cared if they caught a thing.

After visiting the Knob we hiked back to our cars and drove out to the Nobska Point Lighthouse.

An art class was camped out on the beach doing watercolor paintings. Below you can see the teacher at her easel.

As our day ended we left the beach at Woods Hole in Falmouth and headed home for a family dinner of baked ziti as we gathered around the table to reminisce.

At the evenings end we made a champagne toast to J.P. and lit the candles on a birthday cake in his honor. His wife, children, and grandchildren gathered around the cake to blow out the candles in unison. Although we knew one wish wouldn't come true we all took comfort in being together as a family. For it is indeed true that love never dies.


  1. This Nantucket & Cape Cod region cannot aptly be represented in pictures. The awesome corner of God's earth is beyond description in beauty.

    May his spirit be blessed on his bday.

    TY for sharing. Have a beautiful autumn day. TTFN ~ Marydon

  2. Hi Jackie, What a beautiful way to celebrate JP's life. Such beautiful scenery in your pictures and I am sure the family enjoyed being together to share memories in his honor. My mom passed away one year ago yesterday and I miss her so but we all have the peace of knowing our loved ones are no longer suffering and that we will be reunited one day.

  3. Another beautiful post Jackie about the man you all loved so much. I can sure see why he loved to go to those places as they look beautiful. You took great pictures! You sure have some blue water there!!! Gorgeous!
    I'm still working on my post and your words of encouragement were very much appreciated. Thank you and hopefully I will do it on Thursday.

  4. What a beautiful tribute to a wonderful man. Your loss shimmers off the page. I am so sorry for you and your husband. I'm glad you found comfort in the beautiful place and in being together with so many who loved J.P.

  5. What a wonderful memorial and birthday in JP's honor. I am sure he is watching over you all.

  6. It is always nice to see pictures of a part of this beautiful country, I don't think I will ever get to visit. Thank you for sharing.

  7. What a lovely tribute and a delightful place Falmouth is nearly as nice as the Falmouth we have in Cornwall.

  8. It is gorgeous and a nice way to honor JP.

  9. What a wonderful way to spend JP's birthday and to honor and celebrate his life. No wonder JP loved those places -- they are out of this world beautiful. Wonderful photographs of gorgeous scenery.

  10. That seems like such a special way to celebrate such an important person in your family. I can see why he enjoyed those places so much, beautiful!


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