Thursday, October 1, 2009

With Much Gratitude to Blotanical Bloggers!

I received a nice surprise yesterday when a blogger congratulated me for winning the Massachusetts Best Blog Award on Blotanical, a gardening bloggers online community. I had no idea I was even in the running. It's such honor to be recognized by my fellow bloggers and the fabulous community of incredible gardeners around the world.

When I started blogging I had hoped that it would be a journal of my gardening endeavors and happenings around our home in Southeastern Massachusetts. I had no idea I'd make such wonderful blogging friends and learn so much from so many incredible people around the globe. You have all inspired me by your beautiful gardens, stunning photography, and heartfelt posts. You've given me great advice and have sent me words of encouragement and prayers during some very personally trying times for me. For all of this I will be forever grateful.

Much love to all! I'm so honored to be a part of this amazing online community!


Anonymous said...

My hearty congrats for winning the Blotanical award. Blogging has blessed me with many good friends and you are among them. Have a great day & celebrate!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jackie you really deserve it!
I wonder why your newest post isn't showing up on my blog column. I hate when that happens!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and Ellie Mae!

Bangchik and Kakdah said...

Congratulations... yea, so much to share.. ~bangchik

Jan said...

Hi Jackie, congratulations on your award. I'm so happy for you;-)

Unknown said...

Congratulations Jackie! You new look is beautiful! I am so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your award and recognition of your talents! The photo and fall layout are the earthy colors!!!

Wren said...

Hooray! Congratulations! I voted for you..hugs..

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Congrats Jackie! I love your warm writing style and seeing what's going on in your part of the country.

tina said...

CONGRATS to you Jackie!!!!!!

Northern Beauty Seeker said...

Congrats Jackie! I'm really enjoying your blog :)

lynn'sgarden said...

Congrats, girl! and I'm happy the good news came especially at this time to help cheer you up a bit! Love your beautiful fall header photo!

June said...

Congratulations! An honor you and Ellie Mae deserve... Enjoy!

Joanne said...

Well done how exciting for you to win an award through Blotanical

garden girl said...

Congratulations on your Blotanical award Jackie! I've just been reading some of your posts, and can see this award is well-deserved.

One of the nicest things about these awards is finding new blogs I hadn't yet discovered, and that includes yours! There are so many garden blogs now, it's really hard to keep up with everyone, and I'm glad I came across yours.

Thank you for visiting Garden Girl, and for your kind comment!