Monday, November 2, 2009

A Month of Thankfulness

For the month of November I'm celebrating the 30 Days of Thanksgiving with one post of gratitude for every day of the month. I can't think of a better way to kick off the holiday season than to give thanks for all of our blessings both large and small. If you want to join me, please visit Karla over at her blog Karla's Korner and sign up. As Karla says you can devote an entire post each day to something you're grateful for or just end each post with a simple comment such as "Today I'm thankful for my children."

Of course I'm thankful for my family (both immediate and extended - Andy and Ellie included - goes without saying), my friends both near and far - including the blogging community, my home, my job, my health, and my relationship with God. But, since my life tends to be so busy I often overlook the small things I should be grateful for so for the next 30 days I'm going to concentrate on being thankful for them.

Since I didn't post yesterday I'm devoting this post to 2 things I'm grateful for:

Eyes to see the beautiful colors this time of year even when it's raining, cold, and gets dark early now that the clocks have turned back. This reminds there is beauty and light in all situations even when things seem dark and gray.

A sense of humor and patience as I realize I'll never win the war with the squirrels who keep snacking at our bird feeder so I might as well just let them eat. After all, humor and patience can help get me through the most difficult moments in life with grace and love.

Just look at this deviant little, fat, fellow!


  1. From the looks of that Squirrel, several people have decided to just let him eat!!! I enjoyed your thankful post very much.

  2. I had to laugh at what Mildred said. I relented and let my husband feed the squirrels in hopes they'd leave the bird feeders alone. That didn't work, but he continued to feed them all summer, even though we don't feed the birds then.

    I enjoyed reading about the things you are thankful for.

  3. I agree with Mildred, also. What a porker!

    Lovely write.
    TTFN ~Marydon

    Don't forget to enter our giveaway

  4. This is so wonderful! What a great idea! I look forward to this month with you!

  5. Hi Jackie~~

    Your deviant yet adorable squirrel-visitor really helps keep the sense of humor, doesn't he?

  6. What a lovely idea for November. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Oh yes I agree. I get many hours of enjoyment watching the squirrels. The birds are not as fun to watch as the squirrels are(-:

  8. such great pictures! i just love fall! your blog is adoreable!


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