Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Home Sick But Thankful

It's Day 3 of the 30 Days of Thanksgiving and I woke up today feeling really awful. Thankfully it doesn't feel like the flu, but my raw scratchy throat, cough, and stuffy nose is no fun either. On days like these I'm thankful for being a telecommuter. There's nothing fun about dragging yourself into work when you are feeling under the weather, and using up time from my sick bank is something I'd rather save for something a bit more serious than a bad cold.

A few months ago our corporate headquarters announced they were shutting down the local branch that I worked at. At first I was told that I'd be laid off, but after a few months they reconsidered and decided to let me keep my job as a telecommuter. I was thrilled at this decision because working from home meant I'd be able to spend more time with my family and more time in my garden.

In my life I've found that whenever something really bad happens something better is always around the corner. Sometimes the good that comes out of bad situation isn't immediately evident and the lessons learned come hard, but with faith and patience the good never fails to happen.

Having our office close and getting laid off couldn't have come at a worse time as our country was experiencing the worse economic recession since the Great Depression and finding a new job would a long journey. But, without our office closing I would have never had the opportunity to telecommute, which is something I've been wanting to do for many years. Of course, I feel awful for my co-workers who didn't get that opportunity, but I have enough faith in God to know that something good is also coming to them -- just in a different way.


  1. I'm sorry you woke feeling so bad. I know you are grateful to still have your job and be able to work from home. As I get older, I see many things from my past that helped to mold the future. God has truly blessed me.
    Hope that you feel better soon.

  2. Get well soon Jackie. Hang in there and sip plenty of fluids and get lots of rest.

  3. I am feeling that same scratchy throat and yucky feeling. I went to work cuz I don't get to stay home at my job)-: I felt so so to start with but worse as the day went by. Glad to be home. I might have to take a sick day tomorrow. HOpe you are better soon!!!!!

  4. Hope you get to feeling better soon. It isn't very cool to be sick. Try some vitamin C too it really has been proven to help. Blessings to you.

  5. I'm glad things worked out so well with your job!
    I hope you're feeling better soon :)

  6. I just found your blog. I also hope you are feeling better soon. I still have a cough and slight congestion after almost three weeks from when I got a sore throat.

    I am happy to hear about your job, and the way God has given you a wonderful opportunity to keep working, while at home. That is so encouraging.


  7. Get well soon. So many icky germs floating around this year.

    I'm so glad your job situation worked out. You never know what good things are around the corner. :)

  8. This is so true. Whenever one door closes, another opens. At the time, it may seem as though that "door" isn't open for you, but it is...you just have to look. I am loving November Jackie!

  9. I've found the same thing to be true Jackie (about better things coming after a change). It definitely sounds like it worked out for you. The perfect solution. I hope you feel better soon. Being sick is miserable. You have some beautiful fall color to enjoy out your window (going by the pictures from the previous post).

  10. Sorry for the sickness, but so glad for the telecommunting. You are lucky. Hope you will be well soon.

  11. You are so right about good things coming of bad. I've been in a bad spell myself lately, and today I'm sick too, and I've been feeling altogether very down. Your words reminded me that the balance will come.

    As one sniffly friend to another, you know what my word verification blogspot word is...soupp. I want to type chicken in front of it.

    Feel better, and thanks for helping me feel better today.

  12. Oh I am so sorry your feeling bad. But what a Blessing you work at home now. You don't have to worry about getting dressed or anything. What a Blessing you can nurse the cold and still get a little done.
    Many Blessings.

  13. I hope you feel better super quick! It's great you can work from home, that opportunity was obviously just meant to be.

  14. Rest up and feel better, jackie!
    Nice that you can stay in your pj's and still get your 'home'work done :)


  15. Jackie get well soon.That is wonderful that you are able to work from home. My daughter works from home two days a week and she loves it but I think she puts in more hours working from home than on the job ;-)


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