Monday, November 9, 2009

Swine Flu Yuk!

Early last week I was sick with what I thought was a bad cold, but as things progressed from bad to worse it was apparent that I wasn't dealing with any normal cold. To help me feel better and to reduce the severity of the virus, my doctor put me on a course of Tamiflu. Let me tell ya folks that stuff works wonders! Within 24 hours of taking it I felt better and within 48 hours I could actually get dressed and do things around the house. The only draw back is that the medicine does have a side effect of nausea so you really have to take it with food.

I'm thankful that I have a great family physician as well as a wonderful DH who took care of me over the past week. We took every precaution to make sure that the virus didn't spread to Andy but only time will tell... I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Now that I'm back to the land of the living I need to catch up on my blogging and take care of all the things I've neglected around the house. Last night I put up a few Thanksgiving decorations. I never decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving - no reason to rush the season since all the retail stores do that for us.

While I was recovering I didn't get a chance to do any posts for the 30 Days of Thanksgiving so here are the things I've been thankful for these past few days:

I'm so grateful for having Andy in my life. He kept my spirits up, made all of my meals, and generally took care of anything I needed.

On Demand cable. It may seem frivolous but when you're sick the TV is your friend. My eyes hurt too much to read a book so the only activities I could do was sleep and watch TV. Thankfully we have On Demand cable so I was able to watch a ton of great movies.

A nice warm fire. Andy kept the fireplace going the entire time I was sick and the warmth of that fireplace was so comforting and soothing.

Chicken Soup. Need I say more.

Ginger ale. For me this is the best stuff for nausea.

The warm sun and a gorgeous day on the first day you are really feeling better. Ahhhh.... so wonderful!


  1. So glad you are doing better...a great family physician can make all the difference!

  2. I'm sorry to hear you've been sick. You are very blessed to have your husband and Dr. looking out for you. Hope you continue to be on the mend.

  3. Sorry to hear you have been poorly but glad you are feeling better.

  4. Glad you are feeling better and ever so glad for nice days!

  5. I am so glad you are healing! I hear it's pretty debilitating. Don't rush yourself! gail

  6. Oh no! But I am glad you are feeling better! Thanks for the comment on my post. I am behind on reading has been pretty the last couple days and we have been outside. I will be thinking of you, and I agree....on demand tv is awesome. I have 15 A Garden Stories I love HGTV! ~Brooke

  7. Oh my gosh! I am so glad you are much better now! I can only imagine how comforting the fire, chicken soup, cable and a wonderful husband was for you while being sick! Glad you are feeling back to normal!

  8. I'm glad you're feeling better. The flu is a miserable thing. I agree that warmth, sleep, a supportative spouse and TV are your best friends when you're sick.

  9. So sorry you've been so sick. I can totally feel fo ryou because our family has been very ill. My husband was diagnosed with H1N1 and my other two kids were really ill with the flu and severe ear infections. It took my husband 14 days to get over the swine flu. It's good to hear you were bouncing back within 48 hours! Even though I never got sick, I was bogged down playing nurse and keeping up a household, working full time, etc., so I have just emerged from the dead back into the living. Take care of yourself!

  10. So glad you are feeling better...sorry you were sick in the first place! We all had flu shots, and H1N1 shots, too. Hopefully if we get something, it will be mild. Take care of yourself!

  11. Hi Jackie~~ That does not sound fun at all. Thank God for Tamiflu! I'm glad you're feeling better.

  12. So glad you are feeling better! I had what I think was the H1N1 flu two weeks ago, too, and it's certainly no fun being laid up when there are so many things you want to get done. I'm with you on the cable--for two days I couldn't do much but sleep and watch TV, so it was nice to have some options other than re-runs:) You are indeed fortunate to be able to work from home--no spreading germs at the workplace!

  13. I'm so glad you are better! My husband had it too but the rest of us didn't..thank goodness. He was tired and coughed for a week or two afterwards so take it easy. :)

  14. Oh lordy, I'm glad you are feeling better! I go for my swine flu vacine tomorrow morning though to be honest I've not been feeling too good, fingers crossed its just the sniffles I have. Lovely hubby, great Dr but you didn't mention Ellie, I'm sure she help too ;) x

  15. Glad you're feeling better. Sounds like you do have some great things to be thankful for.

  16. Yay..Happy to hear that you are all better now!Enjoy!!

  17. Oh yuck, glad you are on the mend! It really is going around like crazy! Feel better!

  18. So glad the Tamiflu worked and you are feeling better and back to blogging.

  19. I'm glad you are feeling better Jackie. I know from my daughters experience how terrible Swine Flu can be. I will be a believer in Tamiflu from now on too.

    btw, I am addicted to On Demand TV too ~ we watch that almost more than anything. I don't think I'll ever switch cable providers because I don't want to lose it!


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