Friday, November 20, 2009

Thankful for Nie Nie

I'm sure many of you know Stephanie Nelson from her blog the Nie Nie Dialogues. If you don't you really must check out her very inspirational blog here. I've been following Stephanie's blog since before her plane accident. She was inspirational back then with her amazing exuberance, incredible style, and stories of being a Mom, but after the tragic accident back in August 2008 that almost killed her and her husband, Stephanie's faith, hope, and perseverance amazes me even more.

Not only has Stephanie endured incredible pain from the burns of the plane crash fire, the accident left her so disfigured that it took her own children months to not be afraid of her. It's now been well over a year since the accident and Stephanie is back home raising her children and trying to lead a normal life. She still has many months--even years of surgeries and therapy a head of her, but her faith in God, personal strength, and love of her family keep her focused on the future. Stephanie has shown us what true beauty really is - it's not what we see on the outside but what is on the inside that matters. I'm thankful for having the opportunity to read her blog. She makes my problems seem so irrelevant and she reminds me to be thankful for everything I have. Stephanie inspires me to be a better person by the example that she sets. With more surgeries scheduled for Stephanie in January, please remember to think of her in your prayers.

Click here too see an interview of Stephanie and her husband Christian.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more. She inspires me every day to be a better person. I love her and her whole extended family. She is doing amazingly WELL, don't you think after everything she has been through? I too am thankful for her.


  2. Wow, they must be strong people to be able to be so open and honest after being through so much. She is an inspirationa and a lesson to all of us to count our blessings and not take for granted anything, even our own face in the mirror, wrinkles and all.

  3. She and her family remain in my prayers. They are such an inspiration to us all.

  4. I love that she writes about her terrible experience and all the emotional and physical pain she must face head on everyday. We all need to see past our own little bubble of woes at times and realise how fortunate we are. I shall diffinately be visiting her blog, if nothing else just to can thank you for inspiring so many.


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