Tuesday, November 17, 2009

You Know Thanksgiving is Coming When...

....A bunch of wild turkeys cross the street in front of your house (sorry the pics are blurry, but these guys were moving fast!).


  1. Oh that is so funny! Guess they are on the run!

  2. Priceless, Jackie! They must know their days are numbered and they're headed for the hills.

  3. During turkey hunting season around here no wild turkey can be found. The morning after it ends they are truly everywhere. One almost flew into my car the other day on my way to work. I had no idea they could fly very far (or fast) but apparently they can just fine! Great shots~

  4. What a great picture. It does seem like they overheard someone talking about needing a turkey for next week.

  5. They for know it is Thanksgiving time!

  6. They're hitting the road! They are beautiful birds aren't they?

  7. Oh what fun.

    Apparently they are good at keeping the tick population down so if you have deer and woodland then they could be useful.

  8. HA! We had a flock that would come through last year, but I haven't seen them this year. Maybe they saw me standing on the back porch with my roasting pan?

  9. A fine group of gaggling hens!!! Good eating!

  10. How cool is that to have wild turkeys in your neighborhood. They better run! It's a dangerous time of the year to be a turkey.

    Your spring garden is going to be really nice with all those bulbs. Hope you get them planted soon. I always buy them, then procrastinate too.

  11. Wild!! Great photos! something you don't expect to see! awww..they are too cute strutting their stuff!

  12. Jackie, how hilarious - they are so cute! I'm sure they must have brought a smile to your face. :)

  13. We see them here in the neighborhood too...big and ugly to me but in a big flock like that...kinda cool!

  14. seriously???? how come we don't have any wild turkeys here??? or wild pigs??? sometimes i wonder about you guys...lol (kidding)
    funny how close we are...yet so much is different for us.


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