Friday, January 22, 2010

A Sight For Sore Eyes!

I was in Lowes the other day to pick up something totally unrelated to gardening and saw this!

A seed display!  What a sight for sore eyes in the middle of frigid winter.  I love browsing through all of the seed packets and looking at the pictures on them.  I do a little happy dance because it means that the count down to spring has begun.  Although I've been browsing at seed catalogs for a few weeks now, when the gardening and outdoor displays start popping up in the all the stores I literally jump for joy!  I'm sure my fellow shoppers thought I was nuts when I just stood at this display and stared at it glary eyed dreaming of spring.  Although I always hate it when the stores put out Christmas stuff too early, I never get upset when gardening items start showing up in January.

There was also a beautiful table of orchids.

I really should have bought one because the price was right, but I didn't because I wasn't sure if Lowes-quality orchids would really last. 

Well I've better in gear with my spring planting plan.... I keep saying that but I just haven't had the time.  Instead I'm still after comfort food....  The other day I made a banana cake with cream cheese frosting that Andy loved!  I have to share that recipe with you.


  1. Spring will be here before we know it:)


  2. Oh yeah, I got some seeds when I was at Lowe's last time too. :)

  3. Hi Jackie~~ You know, I never thought about it but you're so right. I hate Christmas in September but I don't mind spring in January at all. In fact I relish it. I was in Home Depot the other day and saw a similar display, homed right in on it! Not such a great selection, however. Your photo of Lowe's display looks much more interesting.

    Love your "Adopt a Pet" blinkie.

  4. Ahhh, that's wonderful. I love looking through the seeds also, the pictures can be so pretty. Nice to see they are starting, spring will be here quick I hope!

  5. I just bought some seeds today. The orchids are very pretty! I might have to buy day. It is just like candy at the check out lane of the grocery store....too hard to resist. Fun post!

  6. Yay what a sight for sore eyes for sure!!! I ordered some amaryllis online today just to satisfy my addiction for something in bloom(-:
    I totally love all the Spring stuff too and its never to early for me to see it in the stores!!!

  7. I need spring!
    have a wonderful weekend...oh...and don't forget to stop by this week...starting right now to enter and learn about the great give away that is being held on my blog this week!

  8. I agree with you and Grace about Christmas displays to early, but not Spring displays!!! I have that stuck in the twilight zone look when I see a seed display too!

  9. I'm guessing that my orchid would have the same lifespan (short) no matter where I bought it.

  10. Hey
    What a wonderful sight at this wintertime.
    I have just started the sowingseason, and it was wonderful to see the first seedlings coming up in the seedpot.

    Have a nice weekend:)

  11. It's never too early to look at garden supplies! I bet with your long winter it's really a sight for sore eyes!

  12. Oh how I wish to see your gleeful seed dance! We were happy to see seeds and seed potatoes in the shops yesterday but we haven't any time for allotments at the moment - moving into Mamma G's house on wednesday - eek! It was a terrible thing to have to drag your hubby away from the gardening section, luckily is was quite quiet at the time! I've promised him we'll be back on wednesday, hahaha.

  13. Oh yes, and my cousin had banana cake with cream cheese frosting for her wedding cake a fortnight ago. Must be something in the air x


  15. Whenever we go to the "big box" hardware/home stores, I always tell Hubby I'll meet him in the garden section. I can't resist! :-)

  16. I bought my 1st seeds at a garden center on Friday. Those orchids look beautiful, I will have to get to our Lowes.

  17. After reading this, I feel a trip to Lowes coming on! I haven't been there since late December. I've never seen ours with as many orchids tho. That's really quite a display of them. Kudos to you for resisting!

  18. I saw a similar site in the local Home Depot...more seeds than ever before. AND they were sold out of seed starting mix, which bothered me at first, since I had run out. But then I thought that there must be a lot of new gardeners getting onboard!


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