Sunday, January 31, 2010

Going Bananas!

If you've got some leftover bananas and don't know what to do with them I've got a wonderful recipe for you!  Usually I make banana bread with over ripe bananas, but this time I decided to try a cake.

In searching for a good banana cake recipe I went to my favorite recipe site - All Recipes.  I love this site because there are reader reviews of every recipe so you get to see how a recipe performs in the kitchen as well as what modifications people have made to make it their own.  The recipe I found I modified a bit to accommodate the ingredients I had on hand (ok... I'm lazy... I'd rather use what's in my cupboard than make a trip to the grocery) and I think I ended up with a happy surprise!

This banana cake is so moist that it holds up well even after almost a week of sitting in the fridge (although I doubt it will last that long!).  Topped with homemade cream cheese frosting it has a consistency that's somewhere between cake and banana bread, and is so delightfully smooth it seems to melt in your mouth.

The cake bakes on the denser side so don't expect a light, fluffy, cake.  As you can see in the photo below the cakes doesn't bake up high like some cakes do, but because it's so moist you can eat it without icing and even enjoy it for breakfast with a nice hot cup of tea or coffee.  I haven't tried it yet, but this looks like a cake that would freeze well (I'd freeze it without the frosting.)  You could also bake it in a 9x13 pan, but you may want to experiment with using a pan that size since the cake may be too thin using that type of pan.

If cream cheese frosting is too rich for you, try it with a lighter frosting or even whipped cream with some slices of bananas.  If you like nuts you can add some to the batter before baking.  I think even semi-sweet chocolate chips added would be yummy..... now that's something that would cheer me up on a cold winter day for sure!

Banana Cake


3/4 cup butter or margarine
1 1/2 cups white sugar
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup sour cream (I used low fat)
1 cup mashed bananas (about 2 bananas)
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon allspice


  1. In a large bowl, cream together butter/margarine, sugar, eggs, and vanilla.  Set aside.
  2. In another bowl sift together flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder, and allspice.  
  3. Slowly add the dry ingredients to the creamed mixture.  
  4. Add the sour cream and mashed bananas to the batter and beat well.  The mixture will be on the dry side and seem too thick until you add the sour cream and bananas. If it still looks too thick after adding the sour cream and bananas, pour in a little bit of milk to loosen up the batter.
  5. Grease and flour 2  - 9-inch round cake pans.  
  6. Bake in a 350 degree pre-heated oven for 25-30 minutes (it took 27 minutes to bake in my oven so you may want to set your timer for 25 minutes and then insert a clean toothpick to test for doneness.)
  7. Cool for 30 minutes in the pan and then transfer to a cooling rake.  You will notice that this cake doesn't come out of the pan easily so if it doesn't come out the first time you turn it over, gentle take a butter knife and loosen it up around the sides as well as the bottom and then flip it again.
  8. Once completely cool frost it with the frosting of your choice.

Cream Cheese Frosting


2 (8 ounce) packages of cream cheese (softened)
1/2 cup butter or margarine (softened)
2 cups sifted confectioner's sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. In a medium bowl, cream together softened cream cheese and butter.
  2. Add in the vanilla and then gradually stir in the confectioner's sugar.
  3. Store in refrigerator until ready to use.


  1. It sounds so good! Banana cake really is delicious, it sounds perfect for the weather we're having today. I love All Recipes too.

  2. This looks delicious and I wonder if I should try it? I'll print it for sure... for a special occasion. Right now... I seem to be experiencing my Winter Hibernation Spread! ;-) Thanks!!

  3. This recipe looks like it results in a wonderful cake! I'll have to try it -- my husband loves banana cake.

  4. oh this sounds good!! and a nice change from banana loaf or muffins

  5. Many years ago when we first married, I had a recipe for banana cake that called for the juice of a lemon. Without thinking, I asked my husband to juice the lemon, and he must have stood on it and got a cup of juice - that cake was so sour!!!!!
    Anyway, this recipe sounds delicious and I love the texture you describe. Thank you for sharing this - next time my brother's family visits, I'll make it for brunch. Have a nice week.

  6. Looks tasty to me! We frequently have leftover bananas that go too ripe. Making a note here....

  7. Wow! Yumo! I bet it would be good with caramel frosting.

  8. Hi Jackie~~ As I was reading your post I was finishing the last of my "dinner." What? You ask. Carrot Cake. Great minds think alike, don't they? It seems like I've always got extra bananas lying around. I'll give this recipe a go. Thank you.

  9. Yum and just in time for my father's birthday. He is turning 85 and banana is his favorite kind of cake. I will let you know how it goes. Thanks so much!

  10. Gorgeous post..the photos are beautiful..I can actually smell them..haha! Wonderful..inspiring.I Make banana breads often..!
    Delightful post!

  11. OMG it looks so good! I too make banana bread but sure love the idea of cake with frosting. Maybe a bit too much says my waist.

    So glad seeds are arriving. Spring is right around the corner!

  12. MMM sounds (and looks) great. I will make sure the cook in our house sees this! Thanks for posting.

  13. When I was a child, my mom always made homemade banana cake and it was so good. I have never made one but oh how this post made me think of my mama's banana cake.


  14. That looks delicious Jackie! We are always up for cake around here.

  15. That sounds wonderful..especially with the cream cheese. :)

  16. Banana CAKE?? I've been on a cake "attack" this week. I blame it on the full moon. Banana is my favorite flavor ever! I most especially love banana ice cream and popsicles. Silly, but true. Thanks for sharing!

  17. My husband is making banana bread as we speak...funny I should read this post right in the middle of the baking! I like the All Recipes site, too...I have it bookmarked on my computer. I was thinking about how long it's been since I visited you, and wanted to tell you sorry about that! Right now we're getting that 'monster snowstorm' so looking at your post before this one, with the seed packets, gives me pleasant garden thoughts!

  18. Hi Jackie,
    I just wanted to "Thank You" for stopping by & visiting me, also for putting me on your sidebar.I hope you stop by often as things are always changing as Iam learning how to blog.Playing with the blog is just like decorating the house lol,shouldn't have a problem with that!It's the technical stuff that gets ya! Anyway thanks alot! Angel

  19. This recipe has my husband's name written all over it! Thanks for sharing.


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