Thursday, February 11, 2010

Another Snow Draped Landscape

Another storm made it's way up the coast and hit us last night in Massachusetts.  We didn't get as much snow as expected but it was more than enough for me. 

The raised beds and perennials have been made snowy white yet again as the frozen ground is not anywhere near being ready to till for spring.



The trees hung low and heavy with cold, wet, snow.

The bright red holly berries stood out proudly against the white veil.
The birds dug through the snow to grab a bite to eat.
Nesting birds are still over a month away, but the snow topped bird house still looks like a cozy shelter.

Our house is snow drapped and laced with icicles.
But I'm still dreaming of spring and flipping through a wonderful bulb book to add some warm color to my day.


  1. Oh gosh it sure is pretty but cold! I know because we have the same here and while I find it gorgeous on the trees, I'm ready for spring too! I'm surprised MA got the snow as Maine is snowless. The big joke seems to be that you know you are having a bad day if you live in the south and get more snow than Buffalo. Cracks me up.

  2. It is down right balmy here on Whidbey Island, compared with what you have.

  3. Tina, I know it's amazing... seems like the storms are coming up from the south.

  4. Hi Jackie~~ I think Brian Williams said something like 1/3rd of Americans are dealing with snow. Winter just doesn't want to let go, does it? Your photos are beautiful, the blue sky and sunshine on the trees especially. Stay warm.

  5. It really is beautiful on trees and shrubs and I think that it makes a garden look gorgeous...but we are all pretty tired of it! Books are great distractions~gail

  6. Wow that is so pretty!!! I know its cold though!!!(-:

  7. I'm sure the birds will be as happy as your to see a little less of the snow, although it is so pretty. Dig in with your book! :)

  8. At this point, I think it looks pretty from afar but not out my window!! I just want it all to go away and stay away. Your pics are really nice tho ~ maybe if we collectively think spring, it will happen?

  9. Ijust imagine that is enough snow for you..I just want to see a snowflake!

  10. The snow really does look pretty! The birds must be happy they can find something to eat there. Hope Spring weather finds it's way there soon!

  11. I'm sure you are sick of cold and snow, but it sure is beautiful.

  12. These photos are very the birdhouse piled high with snow...not sure the birds love it though...I know you are so tired of all the snow!!! Spring is coming and maybe the snow killed a lot of those bad little critters that eat our flowers!!! Gotta find something positive about it!!!

  13. Angel from Avalon's Garden & GreenhouseFebruary 13, 2010 at 9:23 PM

    What Beautiful winter pictures ! We got about a foot here in Jersey. Happy Valentines Day to You.

  14. Jackie, your scenery sure is pretty. Somehow it often FEELS better in photos than in person;-) haha. We've all had a snowy winter, and will all be thrilled to see our bulbs and blooms popping out this spring! At least you don't live in the south, where it's been worse than the north this year;-) Hang in there!


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