Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Warming Up Winter With Some Reds

We got more snow last night....  *sigh* ....maybe I should just have a standard post of a snowscape on my blog since nothing much is changing outside in the garden.  Watching the Winter Olympics in Vancouver and reading about how mild things have been in the Northwest I'm considering packing my bags and moving out west.... (just joking Andy if you happen to be reading this.... my guy loves the Northeast!).

Luckily there are some nice blooms going on indoors.  The paperwhites came up super fast.  They bloomed in only 9 days.  I planted them on February 7 and 4 days later on February 11 they looked like this.


Today they look like this.... all but one stalk is in full bloom. 
Red Lion Amaryllis has been a winner this year.  I love the large red trumpet-like blooms.

I also have some nice red warm color on my kitchen window sill.  I always decorate this for the holidays.  Here it is decorated for Valentine's Day.  I'll take down these hearts in another few days but for now I'm still enjoying the color.



  1. Beautiful inside blooms....I love your kitchen windows!!!

  2. Sure looks festive at Ellie's place.

  3. I love your Valentine's Day decorations!

  4. I love the blooms! I am guessing you forced the narcissus yourself! I have been wanting to do this, but the cats would be all in them!

    I love your Valentines decor!

  5. Your decorations are sweet! :)

    I can't believe how fast paperwhites grow. This year was my first time trying them and I was amazed. BTW: the red lion looks like he wants to leap out of his pot *hee hee* :)

  6. But what you do get with all of that snow is that lovely, bright, reflected light through your home. How cheerful.

  7. Beautiful windows with red hearts pasted all over! Creativity at its loveliest... ~bangchik

  8. April, yes I forced the paperwhites myself. It's always fun to watch them come up. The scent is kind of strong, but it doesn't bother me at all. I love it!

  9. I love your blooms! I am waiting on my Amaryllis to bloom(-:
    I also love your Valentines Day Decorations(-:


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